Glenn Canady
Doctors Caught Hiding Simple Ebola Cure From 20 Years Ago!
You’re going to be shocked when you hear the simple cure that cured 88% of the people they tested it on about 30 years ago! Doctors in Africa were desperate to find anything that would work so they discussed taking blood from people that recovered from Ebola and transfuse it to people dying of Ebola. They made sure to match the blood and went ahead and tried their cure when they had the permission form the patients! All the American doctors there told them not to do it and it wouldn’t work but they did it anyway! They ended up curing 8 of 9 people or 88% using their treatment. Even after the success, the American doctors did everything they could to say it didn’t work!
Read on and watch the video’s:
via Doctors Caught Red Handed Hiding Simple Ebola Cure From 20 Years Ago! | Pakalert Press.
CDC whistleblower’s confession: his personal safety is still an issue
by Jon Rappoport
August 31, 2014
On August 27, CDC whistleblower William Thompson came out of the shadows and admitted he had omitted vital data from a 2004 study on the MMR vaccine and its connection to autism.
Thompson’s official statement was released through his Cincinnati attorney, Rick Morgan.
The key piece in Thompson’s statement is:
“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
“My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.”
Everything else in Thompson’s statement is backfill and back-pedaling and legal positioning and self-protection.
via CDC whistleblower’s confession: his personal safety is still an issue « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.
The Stupid US Sanctions Against Russia
Will Cause 90% of the World to Abandon
the Dollar
Alexandra Bruce
August 29, 2014
Here’s Greg Hunter report on
“The so-called ‘recovery’ the mainstream media has been harping on for years is a lie, according to the Editor of The Hat Trick Letter, Jim Willie. He proclaims, ‘I believe the US has gone into a recession that it is not going to get out of until the dollar is gone. When you factor inflation in properly…we’ve got a monster recession of -6% or -7% right now. I don’t think it will get better until the dollar is disposed of. So, we’re entering the final phase of the dollar.’
“In closing, Willie says, ‘You want to get rid of political obstacles? Go straight to commerce and trade. Why is it that Exxon Mobil is still doing projects in the Arctic and still doing projects in the Black Sea, which is Crimea, with the Russians and their energy companies? We already got the US energy companies defying our own sanctions, and yet we are prosecuting French banks for doing the same thing. This is insane. We are losing control.'”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Jim Willie, Editor of The Hat Trick Letter, which can be found on
via Neocon-NWO-WW3 Jim Willie: Germany Secretly Planning on Joining BRICS.
Media Orchestration
Proof of Media Orchestration in News Reports, Speeches
Dear friends,
24 news stations use exactly the same words to deliver a news story.
The prime ministers of Canada and Australia use exactly the same words to deliver a speech in support of the Iraq war. Fox News threatens, attempts to bribe, and then fires two courageous reporters for exposing blatant health risks from hormones in our milk. Clearly someone is orchestrating public perception on a grand scale.
The three short video clips below prove beyond doubt that public perception is being manipulated through the media for the purposes of those in power. The first three-minute clip shows a news story being repeated word for word on no less than 24 different TV stations.
via Media Orchestration.
Drug company, Antibiotics and Heart attacks
Antibiotic Clarithromycin increases the risk of cardiac deaths 76%, but researchers whose employer makes the drug say don’t worry.
The media which is nearly 100% dependent on ad revenue from drug companies now say: “Talk with your doctor.”
Your doctor, of course, doesn’t know anything that the drug companies haven’t spoon fed him.
It’s quite a racket, isn’t it?
via The medical-industrial complex Common antibiotic increase cardiac deaths by 76%.
Some of you don’t like this guy but I
do, I get him. It takes years of doing
this kind of investigative work to get
him and why he is obliged to fudge
40% of what he says to stay alive.
His message is extremely demoralizing
– but hardly surprising, to many.
Amazing testimony from Gordon Duff…
At the 13:00 minute mark, he claims
that one of the main members of
“Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth”
actually planned the 9/11 attack!
Gordon Duff reports this information
comes directly from the Department of
Justice, that admits that almost every
9/11 Group directly reports to the
Department of Justice and are filled with
government and police informants,
actively gathering information on
Many other topics are discussed so
watch the entire clip!
Video (15 mins):
Leader of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Planned 9/11 Attack Says US Intel!.
CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on CDC whistleblower scandal!
by Jon Rappoport
August 29, 2014
You want a perfect example of how mainstream media covers up the truth and endangers lives? Here it is.
Yesterday, CNN published an article about CDC whistleblower William Thompson. (CNN: “Journal questions validity of autism and vaccine study.”)
The day before yesterday, Thompson confessed that he and other CDC coauthors fabricated a 2004 CDC study, in order to hide an MMR-vaccine connection to autism.
Those other co-authors included Dr. Frank DeStefano. DeStefano was the lead author of the 2004 study.
So naturally…CNN goes to DeStefano for a quote defending the safety of vaccines, and De Stefano, the accused liar, tells another lie without blushing, without missing a beat.
He says:
Read on….
via CNN asks serial lying liar to comment on the CDC whistleblower scandal! « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.
The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination: Full Spectrum Dominance, from Asia to Africa
Bruce Gagnon
Current US military space policy is primarily geared toward two countries, China and Russia.
In May 2000 the Washington Post published an article called “For Pentagon, Asia Moving to Forefront.” The article stated that, “The Pentagon is looking at Asia as the most likely arena for future military conflict, or at least competition.” The article said the US would double its military presence in the region and essentially attempt to manage China.
Read on
via The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination: Full Spectrum Dominance, from Asia to Africa | Pakalert Press.
The Big One: CDC whistleblower goes public Now
CDC whistleblower admits fraud publicly: releases Aug. 27 statement!
by Jon Rappoport
August 27, 2014
Here it is. All the people who said we were making it up, inventing charges of fraud at the CDC…well, here it is. CDC Whistleblower William Thompson’s own statement, released from his lawyer’s office today.
I’ll have more to say about Thompson’s confession. But for now, read his words, particularly the opening. The 2004 CDC study on the MMR vaccine and autism was cooked. It was fraud.
via The Big One: CDC whistleblower goes public Now « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.
Mercury/vaccines/autism: more CDC fraud
by Jon Rappoport
August 27, 2014
In the 1990s, people around the world began to wake up and realize: there is mercury in vaccines.
“That’s a poison, isn’t it? Warnings are issued about eating fish laced with mercury…but injecting it is safe?”
The public reaction was swift, explosive, instinctive, and correct: “They’re poisoning us and our children.”
Some of this poisoning was called autism. Some of it was called “neuro-developmental delay.” There were other names and categories.
The uproar was so loud, Congress was forced to act. In 1997, they ordered the FDA to examine the situation.
via Mercury/vaccines/autism: more fraud at the CDC « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.