Archive for augustus, 2014

Breaking: CDC whistleblower’s contact censored « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 28th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, Mainstream-Media, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Breaking: CDC whistleblower’s contact censored

Brian Hooker’s journal paper deleted from site

The book burning begins

by Jon Rappoport

August 27, 2014

Gather ‘round in the village square. They’re burning books. The good obedient folk are shouting with glee…

These days it’s all done surgically, with a few clicks of a mouse.

The journal Translational Neurodegeneration has removed Brian Hooker’s analysis of the vaccine-autism connection from its website—after having published it.

CDC whistleblower William Thompson contacted Hooker months ago to tell him that yes, the CDC had committed egregious fraud in 2004, when it gave the MMR vaccine a free pass.

Based on information Thompson sent him, plus FOIA requests, Hooker put together a re-analysis of the 2004 CDC data and concluded: the vaccine causes great harm; there is a connection between the vaccine and autism; and African-American male babies are at a 300% increased risk of autism from the vaccine.

This is what the journal Translational Neurodegeneration published—and this is what it took down and censored this morning.

via Breaking: CDC whistleblower’s contact censored « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

End of the World Ben Fulford and David Wilcock on Russian TV: NWO Cabal Defeat is Looming

Posted on augustus 28th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Banks and Banksters, CIA-Intelligence, Documentaries, Education to slavery, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol, New World Order | No Comments »

“If You Throw Up, You’ll Feel Better”


Alexandra Bruce

August 27, 2014

This is the first 15 minutes of a show, which was aired on REN-TV in Russia and neighboring countries and seen by 21 million people. The program reveals the imminent defeat of the New World Order, in this stunning expose’ with Ben Fulford and David Wilcock.

You can see the full show here:

This nearly three-hour documentary revealed how 26 underground bases were mysteriously destroyed between August 22, 2011 and January 2012 — and explores who may have done it.

Never before has a major television series so thoroughly revealed the international alliance that has formed to encircle and defeat the Cabal.

Non-Russian-speaking audiences will have to watch it, with subtitles. On the bottom right of the video frame, click on the CC icon for “Closed Captioning,” which also offers the service to translate what is being said into 60 or more languages, including English.

Neil Keenan’s epic multi-billion-dollar lawsuit against the United Nations and other Cabal entities is discussed, aswell as Fulford’s own efforts to organize resistance efforts.

Learn how the Federal Reserve deliberately created World War I and II to seize the world’s gold — and create a limitless supply of “bubble money” that could be printed out of thin air.

The documentary ultimately stops short of naming BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India,

China and South Africa — as the public face of this new alliance against the Federal Reserve. This alliance apparently now encompasses a majority of all countries in the world.

The staff of REN-TV told us this show was wildly popular, reaching a stunning 21M viewers. It is fast-paced and has an intense, dramatic musical score with lots of visuals.

You may want to laugh or think this is all “crazy” — but it was taken seriously enough

to be developed into a major, prime-time special on a top Russian network.

As David has often said, “If you throw up, you’ll feel better.” It’s an apt analogy for what we all must learn in order to heal our planet. Without awareness, there can be no resolution.

via End of the World Ben Fulford and David Wilcock on Russian TV: NWO Cabal Defeat is Looming.

Cancer “We have the answers… but they’re being censored”

Posted on augustus 28th, 2014 in American Politics, Big Pharma/Medicine, Food-Voeding, Food-Voedsel, Genocide, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

The Real Food Channel

Food can kill – or heal. Info to help you choose wisely.



“We have the answers…

but they’re being censored”

The state of medical science today

If you want to be healthy, invest the time here


Subscribe to The Real Food Channel

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The research on diet and health

Health has next to nothing to do with genes.

It’s diet that makes the biggest difference.

We know that because when healthy people move to countries that have poor diets, they take on the diseases of the country they move to.

This video comes from the 2009 VegSource Healthy Lifestyle Expo.

Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd presents the overwhelming evidence showing that animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to.

You paid for the research. The government and the food industry with an assist from the Cancer Society has kept this information under wraps.

Watch the shocking video

via Cancer “We have the answers… but they’re being censored”.

Update: CDC whistleblower in touch with members of Congress « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 27th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Eugenetics, Genocide-Volkerenmoord | No Comments »

Update: CDC whistleblower in touch with members of Congress

By Jon Rappoport

August 27, 2014

In a recent video interview with Brian Hooker, Gary Franchi of has elicited several pieces of vital information.

Franchi’s interview is headlined: “CDC Responds: Admits Omitting Vaccine Data.” It is available at nextnewsnetwork and at YouTube.

Brian Hooker, PhD, Franchi’s interviewee, is one contact for CDC whistleblower William Thompson. Hooker has published a re-analysis of the CDC’s fraudulent work on the MMR vaccine, showing that the CDC indeed buried the connection between the vaccine and autism.

In the interview, Hooker states that whistleblower Thompson is in touch with members of Congress.

Please read on…

via Update: CDC whistleblower in touch with members of Congress « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Eye-witness UFO Reports by ASTRONAUTS – Princess Diana Murdered – new evidence

Posted on augustus 27th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Ancient History, Big Pharma/Medicine, Chemtrails, CIA-Intelligence, Education to slavery, Energy, Extra terrestrial-Buitenaards, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, Health-Gezondheid, Informatieve websites, Maya's, Mindcontrol, Money-Geld, New World Order, Science-Wetenschap, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

The Enigma Channel & UFOs…

When Astronauts See UFOs…

The Enigma Channel have spent the last fourteen years interviewing astronauts, cosmonauts and authors about the UFO phenomenon.  Our SECRET SPACE motion picture documentaries have been banned from YouTube – but you can watch them direct from us…  We have movies which are not on NetFlix, Hulu nor iTunes…  We regularly add new 2hour documentary films and movies which cannot be seen anywhere else.

Eye-Witnesses Investigated:  HD Footage of UFOs are often posted on the web – however, soon after the original clip has been put online, a cloned and censored copy replaces it.  Very often, the censored version (sometimes with added animation to make the footage look unreal) is added…  It is this censored version which most members of the public end up viewing…  THE ENIGMA CHANNEL goes to the SOURCE – if you want to see first-hand eye-witness testimonies, then just click here

via Eye-witness UFO Reports by ASTRONAUTS – Princess Diana Murdered – new evidence.

CDC whistleblower is just the tip of the iceberg « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 27th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, New World Order | No Comments »

CDC whistleblower is the tip of the iceberg

by Jon Rappoport

August 26, 2014

William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, has yet to step into the light and make a full and definitive statement about the CDC concealing MMR-vaccine dangers.

Mothers of autistic children are now preparing a class-action suit against the CDC for covering up the MMR vaccine-autism connection. They will undoubtedly want Thompson as a witness.

He can talk now or talk later.

The public at large still has blind faith in “medical experts” and the truth of published studies.

Fraud at the CDC? A study that was intentionally distorted to give a pass to a toxic and highly dangerous vaccine? What? How could that be?

Well, here’s a medical expert. For 20 years, she had a front-row seat that very few doctors or researchers ever occupy. Thousands of medical studies arrived at her desk. She was a “queen of judgment.”

She is Dr. Marcia Angell. She was the editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the world, The New England Journal of Medicine.

On January 15, 2009, the NY Review of Books published Dr. Angell’s devastating assessment of medical literature:

via CDC whistleblower is just the tip of the iceberg « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Cancer Paul Stamets: Mushroom Science and NO Trace of Cancer

Posted on augustus 26th, 2014 in Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Turkey Tail Mushrooms Cure Non-Hormone

Responsive Breast Cancer


Alexandra Bruce

August 25, 2014

Renowned Mycologist, Paul Stamets, tells the story of his 84 year old mother who called him, to let him know that she had what turned out to be a 5.5 cm breast cancer tumor.

The cancer had metastasized to her sternum and to her liver. She had 4 stage cancer and was given a prognosis of less than 3 months to live.

The oncologist at the Seattle hospital told her that she was too old to do radiation treatments but that there was an experimental study being done with Turkey Tail mushrooms (Cordyceps sinensis), in conjunction with chemotherapy, as this mushroom, long used in Chinese traditional medicine has clinically been shown to boost immune function, overall but also in patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Paul’s mother replied, “Oh! my son is supplying those!”

She was treated with two cancer drugs and Turkey Tail mushrooms and remains cancer-free, years later.

via Cancer Paul Stamets: Mushroom Science and NO Trace of Cancer.

Avaaz – 48 uur: Pensioenen voor vrede?

Posted on augustus 26th, 2014 in Israël-Palestine conflict, Politiek in Nederland, Wars&Conflicts | No Comments »

Over 2 dagen zou hier in Nederland een cruciale stap in de richting van vrede in Israël / Palestina genomen kunnen worden, als genoeg van ons nu actie ondernemen.

Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Timmermans zegt dat het grootste obstakel voor een vreedzame oplossing de illegale Israëlische bezetting van Palestina is. En toch wordt Nederlands pensioengeld geïnvesteerd in Israëlische banken die deze bezetting in stand houden! Na massale publieke druk komt het bestuur van het pensioenfonds ABP bijeen om te bespreken of ze tientallen miljoenen euro’s aan Nederlands pensioengeld terugtrekken uit deze banken. PGGM/PFZW heeft zich al teruggetrokken, en als ABP nu stappen zet zal dit een duidelijk signaal afgeven dat Nederland niet langer banken zal financieren die conflicten aanwakkeren – andere bedrijven zullen volgen, en de hele oorlogsdynamiek zou kunnen veranderen.

We hebben maar 48 uur om actie te ondernemen! De aandacht van ABP hebben we al – meer dan 1,7 miljoen Avaaz-leden – waarvan meer dan 40.000 in Nederland – hebben hen al opgeroepen om investeringen terug te halen, en aartsbisschop Desmond Tutu heeft hier zijn steun aan verleend. Maar ABP beweert dat ze nog steeds niet weten wat Nederlandse pensioenhouders willen dat ze doen. Laten we een dringende megaoproep voor vrede doen, rechtstreeks vanuit Nederland naar het ABP-bestuur voordat ze bijeenkomen!

Stuur een persoonlijk bericht naar het ABP-bestuur met het formulier aan de rechterzijde. Gebruik de uitspraken hieronder als je dat wilt, en deel dit met iedereen die je kent.

Lees verder en teken:

via Avaaz – 48 uur: Pensioenen voor vrede?.

A Simple Laser Blast Could Help Grow Your Teeth Back | Health

Posted on augustus 26th, 2014 in Health-Gezondheid, Science-Wetenschap | No Comments »

No more fillings! Scientists have figured out how to regenerate dentin, the material inside our teeth.

And all it takes is a quick blast with a low-powered laser, according to new research by a team of Harvard University-led scientists.

The new study published in Science Translational Medicine shows that a low-power laser can trigger stem cells in your tooth to form dentin.

As Sarah Zhang reports for Gizmodo, currently dentists can only replace damaged dentin with synthetic material, for example, when you get a filling or root canal.

But using this new technique, dentists may soon be able to actually regrow your tooth…..

via A Simple Laser Blast Could Help Grow Your Teeth Back | Health.

CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 26th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like

by Jon Rappoport

August 25, 2014

Here’s a clue: victory doesn’t look like a trickle of hidden data occasionally seeping out of a cavern.

This is all about making a case. An explosive case.

Most (honest) scientists don’t have a clue. They don’t know how or why a story explodes. They tend to favor the “trickle theory” of releasing information because it fits their notion of order and pattern.

Order and pattern have nothing to do with the asymmetrical way a story expands.

Maybe CDC whistleblower William Thompson eventually comes forward with a definitive public statement about egregious fraud at the CDC; maybe he doesn’t.

Waiting for him to do the right thing is a loser’s game.

There is another avenue to pursue:

The CDC data that would reveal fraud.

Data contradicting the CDC assertion that there is no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Read on

via CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.