“The suffering of people is all too real, but predators lay a grid of fake reality over it, and make billions of dollars—while they simultaneously avoid paying out billions of dollars as a result of law suits.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
“Muhammad Ali has ‘Parkinsonism?’ Nonsense. He has ‘Hit Too Many Times by Joe Frazier Damage.’ This isn’t a disease or a disorder.” (The Underground)
Let’s say there are a lot of people who take hammers and hit children over the head with them.
The connection between the hammer blows and the damage couldn’t be more obvious. Hammer-blow; skull; damage.
But now, researchers and pharmaceutical companies come up with an idea: “Let’s take this trend and create, cook up, invent, fabricate a new mental disorder—let’s name it Regressive Disorientation Disorder. RDD.”
Mijn dringende verzoek aan de mensen van Israël: Bevrijd jezelf door Palestina te bevrijden
In een exclusief artikel voor de krant Haaretz roept aartsbisschop Desmond Tutu op tot een wereldwijde boycot van Israël en vraagt Israëliërs en Palestijnen met klem om verder te kijken dan alleen maar hun leiders om tot een duurzame oplossing te komen van de crisis in het Heilige Land.
Breaking: CDC whistleblower Thompson in grave danger now
by Jon Rappoport
August 22, 2014
William W Thompson, PhD…the CDC whistleblower…was escorted off the premises of the CDC campus yesterday afternoon. This is what a source has just told me.
Therefore, the CDC knows Thompson is the whistleblower.
He’s in danger.
I’ve also been told that the Autism Media Channel, which had posted the video revealing Thompson’s name and outing him, is gone. The site is suddenly gone.
Threats of various kinds, at the very least, will now be applied to Thompson. Legal action, perhaps arrest, perhaps worse.
When it comes to vaccines and protecting that empire, the games are very serious. Deadly serious. The gloves come off.
This is a quick one. The autism media channel has posted a short video in which the whistleblower is named: William W. Thompson, PhD.
He was in fact one of the authors of the 2004 De Stefano study that has been accused of hiding true data linking the MMR vaccine to autism.
Thompson once worked for Merck.
Questions abound. Does Thompson know his name has been released? Was it done with his permission? Is he going come forward and make a statement?
More to come…
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com
USAID has a history of working with the CIA as a front operation to help them spread that special kind of “democracy” (read as IMF inspired brutal repression) in nations where we have installed brutal dictators in support of our neoliberal economic agenda.
Cooper Was NOT On Location at the Connecticut
Funeral Home. He Was in the New York Studio
and His Crew Did a Crappy Lighting Job
Alexandra Bruce
August 20, 2014
I have have been to busy with family issues and business tasks to do due diligence on the recent Ferguson Massacre/travesty. The evidence being sent to me is increasingly proving that Ferguson is yet another fatal attack on the US populace by our own government and the Administration of the best President that the US has ever had in the history of the US Presidency (maybe if I say that, I won’t get in as much trouble in this outrageous Stasi State that America has become). I can’t say any number of things, these days without being descended upon, like a ton of bricks by what can only be described as paid trolls.
Until I’ve had the time to review the events at Ferguson, I will withhold comment and harken back to one of many recent false flag attacks on our shores, Sandy Hook.
When the “events” at Sandy Hook took place in December 2012 and I dared to question the veracity of the reports, given the appallingly unprofessional “chroma key”/green screen FAIL by a supposedly professional CNN crew, who did not light Cooper properly to pull a successful key.
The result was that Cooper’s nose faded into the fake background, during his evidently bogus, “on-location” interview with the (crisis actor) mother of a “murdered child”, at the “Connecticut funeral service.” I was bulldozed by “outraged” “people”, exploding at me for my callousness.
In fact, the reaction was so overwhelming, that I felt compelled to force-redirect the link that’d I’d sent to something less hard-hitting and to the point but still on-topic.
All I can tell you for sure, from that particular footage, was that Cooper was NOT on location at the Connecticut funeral home. He was in the New York studio and his crew did a crappy lighting job.
The troll assaults were successful at the time, as I was less used to them, so I went on to put my focus elsewhere, to avoid any more such unpleasantness. I can now smell a troll from a mile away and I don’t give a damn about these basement-dwelling, traitors/enemies of the REAL United States, of We The People – the pathetic minions of the Corporations which have run roughshod in their nearsighted destruction of their cash cow; causing the near-total destruction of everything good that this country once to stood for…
The creator of this clip, has dug MUCH deeper into the Sandy Hook story and if you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely important and worth a look. Here are his comments:
“I originally thought posting 3 videos on the Sandy Hook Hoax would be enough, but I found I needed to make one more!! Make this go viral. Copy it. Link it. Repost it. Whatever. This is a compilation of the latest and BEST evidence Sandy Hook was CLEARLY and OBVIOUSLY a Government sponsored Media Hoax.
“I have already posted a 3-part video series exposing the 10 major points which show that the Sandy Hook tragedy was a government false flag hoax. How much was real and how much was fake remains to be seen. Did these children really die? Since this was a government and media sponsored hoax, it is certainly possible that these children did not actually die!! Because law enforcement, government officials, and both the mainstream and alternative media have NOW proven themselves to be untrustworthy con artists, we may never get to the whole truth of the matter.
“Credits are given in the video but here are some detailed links to help with further research:
Sandy Hook: CNN Used St. Rose of Lima School Drill Footage
by NoliMe Tángere
Anderson Cooper Blasts National Hero James Tracy & Sandy Hook Cons
by HistoricalRecordsVLT
Evidence of Blue screen Compositing Sandy Hook Footage
Brian Kelly
Pat Jack Youtube Channel
Blue Screen from the supposed day of Sandy Hook Shooting
Walking in Circles Around Sandy Hook Firehouse – Creating The Illusion of More People
Ariel Footage Of Sandy Hook Fire Station (People Just Walking In Circles)
Killuminati B.
Original footage of Anderson Cooper Interview with mother of Noah Pozner
(That channel was shut down by Youtube, probably a CNN copyright dispute!!)
As I get ready to post this article, I have a reply to a request I made to Florida Congressman Bill Posey. I asked for a statement regarding the growing charge that the CDC is covering up an autism-vaccine connection. Here is what Congressman Posey has to say on this subject:
“When it comes to our children, we must make sure that any intervention is as safe as possible, including vaccinations. Scientific integrity is a key component to giving that assurance. I will continue to press for a full understanding of the evidence in this situation. The CDC has refused for more than six months to hand over documents I requested concerning this issue. That is not the type of response we expect from our government.”
Congressman stonewalled. He asked the CDC for data and the CDC refused. Refusal=something to hide.
Age of Autism 8/18 article: “Senior government scientist breaks 13 years’ silence on CDC’s vaccine-autism fraud.”
CDC research scientist comes forward, anonymously, comes clean, tells Dr. Brian Hooker that the CDC has known about the MMR vaccine connection to autism for at least 11 years.
Has known, and has intentionally covered it up.
The CDC and the US government have gone to extreme lengths to assert there is no vaccine-autism connection.
This CDC scientist has spoken with Brian Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, many times.
Hooker states he has seen raw CDC data not included in any study. And the data show that:
African-American boys who receive their first MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk for autism.