Archive for augustus, 2014

UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization UPDATE: Undersea Base off of Malibu Independently Confirmed

Posted on augustus 18th, 2014 in Extra terrestrial-Buitenaards | No Comments »

Jimmy Church says: “Here’s a
composite of 3 interviews about
the recently-discovered the undersea
base off of Zuma Beach in Malibu,
found on Google Earth, including
photos I took myself. Either this is
an entrance to a UFO base or a
prehistoric parking garage, built
before ‘The Big Flood.'”



Video (around 42 and half mins):


UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization UPDATE: Undersea Base off of Malibu Independently Confirmed.

The food industry Food Rules

Posted on augustus 17th, 2014 in Food-Voedsel | No Comments »

Don’t buy any food you see

advertised on television

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

“Don’t buy any food you see advertised on television.”

These are at the core of best-selling author and food journalist Michael Pollan’s message after 10 years of reporting on the food system.

The food industry takes nutrient-based research and turns it into new ways to sell food. And we believe it. What’s wrong with this picture?

via The food industry Food Rules.

The press takes a holiday…every day « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 17th, 2014 in Mainstream-Media | No Comments »

The press takes a holiday…every day Aug


by Jon Rappoport

The press takes a holiday…every day

By Jon Rappoport

August 17, 2014

I’ve published the essence of this article before. I continue to reprint it, now and then, because it illustrates a basic fact about the mainstream press:

Not only are they part of the problem; not only are they creating problems; not only are they sold out; the reporters themselves, who should be able to work up astonishment at mind-boggling facts, have lost that capacity.

They’ve lost the very urge that got them into the journalism trade in the first place.

They’ve offloaded the ability to be shocked and outraged.

They’ve forgotten how to be surprised.

If, for example, you told them you had hard evidence that a small group of men, unelected and unappointed, was directing the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, they would yawn.

If you showed them the evidence, they would yawn again.

Read on…

via  The press takes a holiday…every day « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Robots Humans Need Not Apply

Posted on augustus 17th, 2014 in Science-Wetenschap | No Comments »

When I was a kid, they told us at my
school, and that computers and robots
would eventually take over all human
jobs and this would make the world a
Utopia for us, allowing all people to
become artists – or to just LIVE LARGE…
(I think the latter is still one thing that
a computer or robot could not – or would
be able to do).

So, this shocking clip doesn’t shock
me as much as it might shock others –
but it is very thought-provoking and

And true. I hope you enjoy it.

Video (74 mins):


Robots Humans Need Not Apply.

The Grounded 2 WATCH NOW $ 9.99

Posted on augustus 17th, 2014 in Health-Gezondheid, Marijuana/ Hemp, Nature and Wildlife, Science-Wetenschap | No Comments »

I got involved in this film and put in
1/3 of my life savings to ensure its
completion because I saw a film that
had the possibility of speaking to
everyone on Earth.

10% of the funds that I put in were
obtained from donations made by my
subscribers, so I want to thank
everyone who’s supported my site for
making this film possible, as well.

I love this film because the message
is as profound as it is simple. It is as
timely as it is timeless – and best of all,
it is completely inclusive and it applies
to each and every one of us.

If you are an Earthling, this film has
something for YOU.

By clicking on the hyperlink or the
, below, you will be redirected to
the site from which the film is streaming.
A brief trailer will run before you’re
given the option to rent the film for 72
hours or to own the digital download.

Video (74 mins):


The Grounded 2 WATCH NOW $ 9.99.


Posted on augustus 16th, 2014 in Ukraïne | No Comments »




Het Oekraïense leger zou een zwaarbewapende Russische pantsercolonne op haar grondgebied hebben vernietigd.

Dit beweert de president van dat land, Pjotr (Walzmann) Porosjenko op zijn eigen website. In een telefoongesprek met Cameron heeft hij bevestigd, dat met name Britse journalisten hem dat hebben verteld. Dus dan is het ook zo. Kwam dat even mooi uit! Wij  wisten niet dat menselijke hersenen zó razendsnel konden schiften als iemand zijn miljardenvermogen en dat van zijn medeplichtigen (Tymosjenko, Kolomoisky c.s.) wil veiligstellen met leugens, bedrog en omkoperij.

Deze door het westen gepromoveerde chocolade koning is wel het minst betrouwbare sujet gebleken als het gaat om de waarheid.

De Nederlandse “regering” zal ongetwijfeld aannemen dat deze aperte aartsleugenaar de waarheid spreekt en zal gewoon met hem mee liegen. Er worden in de vaderlandse media Oekraïense figuren aan het woord gelaten, die door hun gekleurdheid al maanden geloven dat de Russen naar Kiev oprukken. Ook hebben we een Nederlander in Moskou horen zeggen, dat de gemiddelde Rus niet eens bezig is met de broederstrijd in Oekraïne en zich meer zorgen maakt over de paprika’s  die niet meer komen. Berichten dat Rusland met de boycot van EU producten zichzelf in eigen voet schiet, is het hoofdnummertje van het Nationale Leugencircus. Alleen met kletsverhaaltjes haal je tegenwoordig nog het nieuws.

Lees verder


Ebola unproven treatments; what about vitamins? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 16th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Genocide-Volkerenmoord | No Comments »

Ebola unproven treatments; what about vitamins? Aug


by Jon Rappoport

Ebola unproven treatments; how about vitamins?

by Jon Rappoport

August 15, 2014

Here’s the situation: the World Health Organization has decided to green-light unproven drugs and vaccines, to “stem the tide of Ebola.”

(8/12/2014: “Ethical considerations for use of unregistered interventions for Ebola virus disease (EVD)”; Link:

Who appointed them king?

This is the organization that lied a dozen different way to pump up the dud “epidemic,” Swine Flu, and colluded with pharmaceutical companies in the process.

If it’s suddenly all right to give patients experimental drugs, whose safety has never been established in humans—what about vitamins and minerals, whose track record of safety makes medical drugs look like high-dose cyanide?

via Ebola unproven treatments; what about vitamins? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Space 8/11/2014 LEAKED! Raw Rosetta Images of Alien Buildings on Comet 67P

Posted on augustus 14th, 2014 in Extra terrestrial-Buitenaards | No Comments »

On August 11, 2014 the YouTube
publisher called “secureteam10”
claims to have received an email
sent through an anonymizing proxy
server, from a spoofed email address,
claiming to be from a current
employee at the European Space
Agency (ESA), which secureteam10
describes as a “Monumental find.”

Per the description, the emailed
attachments were un-doctored, raw
images recently taken by the Rosetta
space craft of Comet 67P, revealing
the true nature of the “space rock”.

Namely, that an outbuilding and a
disk-shaped object appear on the
unretouched version sent of this photo,
differing from the images officially

These are compared with one another,
along with the alleged, decades-long,
“true” back story that motivated this
mission to capture images of this specific
“space rock” out of so many others, out

The publishers of secureteam10 say,
“Stay tuned for updates as soon as we
get them!”

Video (6 and a half mins):


Space 8/11/2014 LEAKED! Raw Rosetta Images of Alien Buildings on Comet 67P.

CIA records: they wanted to kill, using chemical, biological substances « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on augustus 14th, 2014 in CIA-Intelligence | No Comments »

CIA records: they wanted to kill, using chemical, biological substances Aug 13

CIA records: wanted to kill using chemical, biological substances

by Jon Rappoport

August 13, 2014

By analyzing CIA documents from earlier days, we can understand the programs of the Agency and its government cousins.

Given the fact that the CIA’s umbrella research program, MKULTRA, went completely dark in 1962, and given the technological advances that have been made in the intervening years, we can draw inferences about present-day covert ops.

Document: May 20, 1975; sent by CIA Inspector General, Donald F. Chamberlain, to the Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby.

Subject: CIA activities at Fort Detrick, Maryland [in the 1952 period].

Fort Detrick was the center of US government chem/bio warfare research.

Here is the opening quote from the document:

“In early 1952, CIA effected an agreement with the Army Chemical Corp for the performance of certain research and development work by the Army Chemical Corp at the laboratory facilities of Special Operations Division, Army Biological Laboratories, Frederick, Maryland.”


Read on…..

via CIA records: they wanted to kill, using chemical, biological substances « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

911 Planned at an AMERICAN LAB- SANDIA – Gordon Duff Speaks Out – Project Camelot

Posted on augustus 13th, 2014 in 9/11 | No Comments »

Everyone needs to listen to this interview with GORDON DUFF by Stew Webb:

At approximately 12-13 minutes in Duff CLEARLY STATES that 911 was planned by and the weapons designed for taking down the Twin Towers in 911 at “Sandia Labs/Los Alamos” by “rogue groups”.  He states very clearly 911 was planned at an American Lab.  If true, this should be headline news.

via 911 Planned at an AMERICAN LAB- SANDIA – Gordon Duff Speaks Out – Project Camelot.