De overheid stelt alles in het werk om ons op 6 april a.s. VOOR het Associatieverdrag met Oekraïne te laten stemmen. Men is voornemens brochures en promotiefilmpjes op staatskosten te laten maken, waarin de argumenten worden aangedragen die we kunnen gebruiken om verstokte tegenstanders te overtuigen. De overheid is dus ondemocratisch bezig, want men mengt zich in het democratische proces en open discussies. Het referendum wordt dus nu al vervalst waar je bij staat!
Tony Blair has called alled for Britain to surrender more powers to unelected Brussels bureaucrats and insisted mass migration from eastern Europe has been good for the country as he made a bizarre case for staying in the EU.
Bron: Mass Immigration is Good for the UK and We Must Give More Powers to Brussels Says War Criminal Tony Blair | David Icke
As fear mongering about the Zika epidemic runs rampant, separate organizations of doctors from Brazil and Argentina are directly challenging the notion that the Brazilian Zika virus outbreak is at the root of the recent increase in microcephaly birth defect cases.After the dramatic increase in congenital malformations, the Brazilian Ministry of Health moved quickly to link the phenomena to the Zika virus epidemic. Microcephaly is a congenital condition in which a baby’s head develops abnormally small.In spite of all the media hype surrounding the mosquito-borne Zika virus and microcephaly, there has yet to be a scientific link proven between the two.
Bron: » “It’s Not the Zika Virus” — Doctors Expose Monsanto Linked Pesticide as Cause of Birth Defects
In March 2014 tape recordings of a meeting between the Turkish then Foreign Minister Davutoglu, the chief of the Turkish intelligence MIT Hakan Fidan and others leaked to the public. They talked about a false flag attack on Turkey to be used as a justification form a Turkish attack on Syria. The new was mostly ignored by the “western” main stream media.
Bron: Ankara Bombing: A False Flag to Justify Erdogan’s Invasion of Syria?
Carl Hart, hoogleraar psychiatrie aan de Columbia-universiteit, was pas geleden in het nieuws omdat hij heeft gezegd dat het populaire ADHD-medicijn Adderall eigenlijk gewoon crystal meth is. Tegenover The Influence legt hij uit hoe hij tot die conclusie is gekomen.
Bron: “Populair ADHD-medicijn is eigenlijk gewoon crystal meth” –