9/11 & False Flags Sanction Reprisals: Putin 9/11 Data Dump
Posted on oktober 1st, 2014 in 9/11 | No Comments »
“This 9/11 Data Dump Is so Radioactive
the US Government Will Likely Collapse
The World Will Never Be the Same…”
Alexandra Bruce
September 30, 2014
This was part of a longer clip in a recent VT Radio show, of which I’ve removed about 40 minutes, to focus on the section, which drills down to an increasingly-infamous, alleged Russian “data dump” that was shared with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today about the “real” perpetrators and methods and means used in the 9/11 attacks.
This information was supposedly given to Duff to share with the public at-large, in reprisal for the US government’s economic sanctions against Russia, ever since Crimea and East Ukraine voted overwhelmingly to secede from the US-NATO-installed regime in Kiev.
However, one veteran 9/11 researcher claimed on Pakalert Press: “This 9/11 data dump is so radioactive the US Government will likely collapse. The world will never be the same when nations everywhere see this report!”
Some names are familiar, others I’ve never been connected to these historic events. There are definitely many surprises, here – but it certainly makes more sense, on several levels, than the treasonous and absurd Official 9/11 Report.
Duff stops short of naming names, but their job descriptions give them away. What might be most shocking are how many names often associated with the attacks are absent, in what has been promised to be an ongoing series of similar Russian data dumps.
Last week, UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s call, during his address to the UN that, just as the murderous and “warped worldview” of ISIS must be stopped, so must the words and websites of peaceful 9/11 and 7/7 “Truthers,” which he termed to be just as dangerous as “Nazis or KKK recruiters,” as he unveiled a plan to use a full assault on dissenting views by forming a Commission to fight “So-Called Non-Violent Extremism,” while allowing that “Some will argue that this is not compatible with free speech and intellectual inquiry.”
Indeed: dangerous to the perpetrators. The coincidence of this toady’s statements with this data dump should not be lost on anyone.
via 9/11 & False Flags Sanction Reprisals: Putin 9/11 Data Dump.