Archive for the ‘Agenda 21’ Category

There Are Three Principal Bigotries The Mainstream Media Keeps Alive ­And Keeps Expanding! | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 14th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Banks and Banksters, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol | No Comments »

There Are Three Principal Bigotries The Mainstream Media Keeps Alive ­And Keeps Expanding!


J. Speer-Williams

The mainstream media is far from being an institution that disseminates truthful and important information; it specializes in lies while ignoring vital news.

The major corporate media is a covert collaboration that is regularly used to promote the predatory agenda of the ruling foreign oligarchs, of the insidious International Banking/Monetary Cartel through their intel agents in the US secret services.

Read on:

via There Are Three Principal Bigotries The Mainstream Media Keeps Alive ­And Keeps Expanding! | Pakalert Press.

Police State Rise of the Police State: The Transformation of Our Public Police Forces

Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Education to slavery, Mindcontrol, New World Order, NSA, State Terrorism | No Comments »

I’ve Lived in Towns Small Enough Where They

Proudly Publish the Names of Which

Traffic Cops Passed the Test, Each Week


Alexandra Bruce

October 12, 2014

The Federal deputization of local law enforcement and first responders isn’t a new phenomenon in the US but that it is being ramped-up to an unforeseen scale is.

Maybe the defense contractors are mad that the Iraq War is over and they want to keep selling their materiel. In many cases, small towns are being given tanks, left over from the wars for free.

The agency tasked with organizing this effort is the multiply-orphanized National Intelligence Agency, which has been in existence since 1947. Under the Intelligence Reorganization Act of 1992, the NIA lost most of its autonomy to the CIA. Before this time, it operated independently and was more closely associated with the National Security Agency.

However, during the mayhem wreaked upon the American security establishment during the Bush II era, the NIA became an agency in earnest, to train, militarize and to oversee the official accreditation local first responders, whereby now entire police departments in towns small and big across this land, including firefighters, park rangers, medics and nurses are now Federally Deputized.

People you wouldn’t necessarily expect are being Federally Deputized, to participate in intelligence gathering, security patrol (armed or un-armed, depending on their training and legal status); or as medical personnel to assist and aid the US Military, American Red Cross, US Secret Service, Federal, State and Local SWAT, ESU, SMU, SRT or other Specialized Enforcement or Counter-terrorism Unit as Hostage Negotiators, Profilers or other Emergency Psychiatric or Psychological Roles, as needed in emergencies big and small.

I’ve lived in towns small enough where they proudly publish which traffic cops passed the test, each week.

Watch the video:

via Police State Rise of the Police State: The Transformation of Our Public Police Forces.

Geopolitics Leuren Moret: North American Union, Homeland Insecurity, False Flags and Fukushima Update

Posted on oktober 5th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Education to slavery, Mindcontrol, New World Order, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The Citizens of the US Are Going to Picked Clean

Until there is Not a Piece of Meat on the

Turkey Carcass”


Alexandra Bruce

October 4, 2014

Leuren Moret begins her interview by discussing Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who arrived in Berkeley, California, on September 30, 2014, as the new President of the University of California.

Few people supported her appointment and more wondered how she was chosen to be head of the University of California system, including Los Alamos and Livermore Nuclear Weapons Labs. When it was finally revealed that, like Jesuits California Governor Jerry Brown, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta, and US Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas, Ms. Napolitano was also Jesuit trained. In fact, Brown, Panetta, and Napolitano are all graduates of Santa Clara University, a Jesuit shop school for the Big Boys.

Understanding the Jesuit tie is important, because it explains her magical job history, and the Vietnam Phoenix Program “events” that are synchronous with Napolitano’s arrival, and introduced with the 2014 New Year. The Phoenix Program in Vietnam was set up by the US Military to defeat and destroy the civilian support of the Viet Cong resistance: torture chambers, assassination teams, underground prisons, detention camps, Project Popeye weather modification, and other forms of suppression to establish social and political control of a resistant captive population. It is the model for DHS.

Since the New Year, the San Francisco Bay Area has been exposed to a vast U.S. government overthrow template: DHS inventories of food suppliers, widespread gangstalking with EMF cop toys, HAARP weather modification, eugenics through weaponized intense chemtrails interacting synergistically with Fukushima radiation and new chemicals in Municipal water supplies, biologically very toxic ozone pumped into poor black neighborhoods from the Oracle Sports Stadium in the East Bay, and heavy surveillance by police and the new DHS-tactical forces.

More Information:

Watch the video (79 min):

via Geopolitics Leuren Moret: North American Union, Homeland Insecurity, False Flags and Fukushima Update.

Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2

Posted on oktober 4th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Banks and Banksters, Education to slavery, Europe-Europa, Mainstream-Media, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The People become Zombie-Like

Through Believing the Media”


Alexandra Bruce

October 3, 2014


WARNING: Contains graphic scenes of human carnage occurring now in Ukraine.


This clip is a continuation of Part 1, seen here:

Pastor Ivo Sasek continues his warning of the inevitability of War War III, unless the people wake up and refuse to be mind controlled by the mass media, citing the following pattern in all past wars:

“The US-warmongers, who are financially steered by foreigners, are striving for complete world domination.”

“Why we know World War Three is just around the corner:

1. Because the externally, financially-controlled US Government wants it.

2. Because the United States are bankrupt, they’re economically-depressed and they are the most indebted country on Earth.

3. Because the new BRICS banking system seals the final downfall of Wall Street and Pentagon Capitalism.

4. Because the US Government has always re-structured its national bankruptcy through external wars.

5. Because the bond-slaves of Wall Street, sitting in the White House desire undivided world dominion.

6. Because the mainstream Media, who are allies of the US intrigues, spread their war lies, worldwide, and thus systematically instigate a readiness for war in all peoples.

7. Because this results in making the people zombie-like, through believing the media.”

(Turn off the TV!!!)

via Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2.

Geopolitics Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 1

Posted on oktober 4th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Wars&Conflicts | No Comments »

This video, made by an Evangelist
movement in Switzerland called
the Organic Church of Christ (OCG),
led by the controversial Pastor Ivo
Sasek, describes the current
geopolitical situation and the
inevitability of World War III,
being stirred-up by the
“Warmongering Americans,” who
he describes as “financially steered
by foreigners seeking world

It’s both exotic and yet familiar, to
see these American Evangelical mega
church stylings, juxtaposed with his
jarring and riveting message (in Swiss
German), which is essentially an
explanation of current events in
Ukraine and the policies of the former
US National Security Adviser and
Obama-controller, Zbigniew Brzezinski,
as if lifted from the latter’s 1998 book,
‘The Grand Chessboard: American
Primacy and Its Geostrategic
Imperatives,’ which he wrote for his
Columbia University Political Science

Pastor Sasek continues his warning
of the inevitability of War War III,
unless the people wake up and refuse
to be mind controlled by the mass
media, citing the following pattern in
all past wars:

“Why we know World War Three is
just around the corner:

1. Because the externally, financially-
controlled US Government wants it.

2. Because the United States are
bankrupt, they’re economically-
depressed and they are the most
indebted country on Earth.

3. Because the new BRICS banking
system seals the final downfall of Wall
Street and Pentagon Capitalism.

4. Because the US Government has
always re-structured its national
bankruptcy through external wars.

5. Because the bond-slaves of Wall
Street, sitting in the White House
desire undivided world dominion.

6. Because the mainstream Media,
who are allies of the US intrigues,
spread their war lies, worldwide, and
thus systematically instigate a
readiness for war in all peoples.

7. Because this results in making the
people zombie-like, through believing
the media.”

(Turn off the TV!!!)

WARNING: Contains graphic scenes of
human carnage occurring now in Ukraine. *********************************


Videos Total: (under 21 mins)


Geopolitics Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 1.


Posted on oktober 3rd, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Syria, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »



In totaal 42 kinderen gedood.

Een typische duo-aanslag, zoals we veel vaker hebben gezien. Voor ons betekent dit de “handtekening” van het Westen, al of niet via geheime diensten of huurling-terroristen gepleegd. Overal waar een dubbele aanslag wordt gepleegd is sprake van een serieuze waarschuwing aan het adres van de tegenstander. In dit geval Al-Assad, de democratische gekozen president van het door geweld verscheurde Syrië.

De grote misdaad van Syrië bestaat uit twee hoofdcomponenten:

[1] Het is een seculier bestuurde autocratie – met de nadruk op seculier;

[2] Er zijn gascontracten afgesloten met Iran.

De school die doelwit was, staat in Homs. Dit knooppunt van gas- en oliepijpleidingen is kort geleden door het Syrische leger heroverd op de “gematigde rebellen” van Barry Soetoro.

Watch video:


Worldwide Warning – Elite Now Preparing For Earthwide Catastrophe | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 3rd, 2014 in Agenda 21, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

David Vose issues a “worldwide warning” stating the elite are now actively preparing for an earthwide catastrophe, where the “richest” people in the world are plotting the end of the world as we know it. Starting in Africa, according to Vose, their plans include eradicating the majority of Earth’s population, leaving only their own people, who they believe are superior. Vose also believes, and offers his case in the video below, that Africans, Latinos and Asians are first on the elites list.


One might think this is simply a conspiracy, but consider the major missteps already being seen and reported on in the MSM, and add that to the warnings we have received previously that all of what we are seeing has been done on purpose as part of the depopulation agenda. With new reports coming out fast and furiously about Ebola, mistakes and  outright lunacy, one has to at least consider that it all cannot be “accidents” and it is deliberate.

Watch the video: (14 min.)

via Worldwide Warning – Elite Now Preparing For Earthwide Catastrophe | Pakalert Press.

Neocon-NWO-WW3 MH17 Fully Exposed! You Won’t Believe the Shocking Truth About the Ukraine False Flag

Posted on september 27th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, False flag operations, New World Order | No Comments »

Why Has MH17 Completely Disappeared from

the News Cycle?


Alexandra Bruce

September 26, 2014

When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down on July 17, 2014, we were immediately inundated with base propaganda trying to convince us that the shoot-down could be traced back to the Kremlin.

But what was this rush to judgement based on?

What have we learned about the crash since then?

Why has MH17 completely disappeared from the news cycle?

And who really stood to benefit from the disaster? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

via Neocon-NWO-WW3 MH17 Fully Exposed! You Won’t Believe the Shocking Truth About the Ukraine False Flag.

Neocon-NWO-WW3 The Geopolitics of World War III

Posted on september 26th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Money-Geld, New World Order | No Comments »

How Has the Dollar Remained

the World’s Reserve Currecy Over the Past 40 Years?

This article is copied with slight redactions and emphases from the original, which appears here:

Emphases are mine.


The Geopolitics of World War III

11.Sep.2014 | SCGSCG

The real reason Russia and Syria are being targeted right now.

(slight redactions and emphases are my own – Alexandra Bruce)

…[W]hen you see the mouthpieces of the ruling class begin to demonize a foreign country, the first question in your mind should always be “what is actually at stake here?”

For some time now Russia, China, Iran, and Syria have been in the cross hairs. Once you understand why, the events unfolding in the world right now will make much more sense.

The US dollar is a unique currency [in that it is] the only currency used to buy and sell oil on the global market.

Prior to 1971, the US dollar was bound to the gold standard, at least officially. According to the IMF, by 1966, foreign central banks held $14 billion US dollars, however the United States had only $3.2 billion in gold allocated to cover foreign holdings.

Translation: the Federal Reserve was [already] printing more money than it could actually back.

The result was rampant inflation and a general flight from the dollar.

via Neocon-NWO-WW3 The Geopolitics of World War III.

The Network of Global Secret Societies | Pakalert Press

Posted on september 26th, 2014 in Agenda 21, New World Order | No Comments »

The largest mechanism used by the bloodlines to implement the New World agenda is the global secret society network. Politicians, bankers, businessmen, and media personalities – the biggest names in history and world affairs form a huge secret society matrix.

This hierarchical pyramid-structured network is constantly recruiting and placing members in key influential positions. In order to orchestrate global events and policy decisions from behind the scenes, many niche secret societies groom and position politicians, media personalities, and other “yes-men” so they may best aid the Great Work.

“Beneath the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface” -A. E. Waite (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn)

“You see, if you amount to anything in Washington these days, it is because you have been plucked or handpicked from an Ivy League school – Harvard, Yale, Kennedy School of Government – you’ve shown an aptitude to be a good Ivy League type, and so you’re plucked so-to-speak, and you are assigned success.

You are assigned a certain role in government somewhere, and then your success is monitored and tracked, and you go where the pluckers and the hand pickers can put you.” -Radio Talk show Host Rush Limbaugh, Feb. 7th, 1995

via The Network of Global Secret Societies | Pakalert Press.