“The People become Zombie-Like
Through Believing the Media”
Alexandra Bruce
October 3, 2014
WARNING: Contains graphic scenes of human carnage occurring now in Ukraine.
This clip is a continuation of Part 1, seen here:
Pastor Ivo Sasek continues his warning of the inevitability of War War III, unless the people wake up and refuse to be mind controlled by the mass media, citing the following pattern in all past wars:
“The US-warmongers, who are financially steered by foreigners, are striving for complete world domination.”
“Why we know World War Three is just around the corner:
1. Because the externally, financially-controlled US Government wants it.
2. Because the United States are bankrupt, they’re economically-depressed and they are the most indebted country on Earth.
3. Because the new BRICS banking system seals the final downfall of Wall Street and Pentagon Capitalism.
4. Because the US Government has always re-structured its national bankruptcy through external wars.
5. Because the bond-slaves of Wall Street, sitting in the White House desire undivided world dominion.
6. Because the mainstream Media, who are allies of the US intrigues, spread their war lies, worldwide, and thus systematically instigate a readiness for war in all peoples.
7. Because this results in making the people zombie-like, through believing the media.”
(Turn off the TV!!!)
via Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2.