Archive for the ‘Banks and Banksters’ Category

Government corruption Crony Capitalism: Our new way of life

Posted on oktober 25th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »


“Capitalism” – does it even exist?

Commentary by Charles Hugh Smith

“Free enterprise” – I know that exists for small business people…when they’re not being pounded into the ground by taxes, fees and government regulations.

What does most definitely exist at the “highest” levels is Crony Capitalism.

Selling fraudulent securities? No problem.

Packaging poisons as food? No problem.

Defrauding the Pentagon to the tunes of hundreds of billions of dollars? No problem.

What it Bob Dylan said “When you steal a little, they call you thief. When you steal a lot, they call you King.”

via Government corruption Crony Capitalism: Our new way of life.

Money Gold Expert, Harvey Organ: “By December, this Whole thing Is Going to Collapse”

Posted on oktober 25th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Harvey Organ: “The World is Running Out of

Physical Gold and Silver Needed to Suppress Prices”


Alexandra Bruce

October 22, 2014

Gold supply expert, Harvey Organ says the world is running out of physical gold and silver needed to suppress prices. Organ says when China and Russia disclose the true amount of gold they hold, there will be a price spike never before seen in the history of the world.

Organ says, “You will see that you will go to sleep at night, and you will wake up the next morning and see gold bidding at $3,000 per ounce, and there will be no offer, and it will rise by $500 a day. It will come in 2014. They are running out, they don’t have it.”

The supplies for silver are even more strained and suppressed according to Organ. He says, “Silver is similar to what is going on in gold, but even better. In China, on September 22, they are going to have a futures market similar to Comex, but it will be in physical metal. You settle in physical metal. So, for the first time, you are going to see the pure price discovery mechanism work, and it’s going to be in total conflict to the crimes that are being committed on the Comex. Organ thinks silver will trade at “$200 per ounce” and says, “By December, this whole thing is going to collapse.” The petrodollar will be converted to Chinese Yuan.

The US’ “farcical wars”, as Greg Hunter calls them, in Ukraine and Syria – and the Ebola

scare (which is a cover to grab West Africa’s vast mineral wealth) are to cover this up

and/or STOP these events, according to Organ…

via Money Gold Expert, Harvey Organ: “By December, this Whole thing Is Going to Collapse”.

Silver & Gold – Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 – Currency vs Money – Mike Maloney – YouTube

Posted on oktober 24th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Gepubliceerd op 26 feb. 2013

Deze mag je niet missen:

More: Currency vs. Money is the 1st Episode of Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money, a series presented by Mike Maloney as he travels the world to uncover the Hidden Secrets of Money.

via Silver & Gold – Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 – Currency vs Money – Mike Maloney – YouTube.

Tegenlicht: Waar Haal Je 160 Miljard Vandaan? – YouTube

Posted on oktober 24th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

De Britse econome Pettifor is een prominente ‘new economist’, oftewel representant van de beweging die streeft naar ‘economics in which people and planet matter’. Ze werd vooral bekend met haar werk over staatsschulden en schuldkwijtschelding, en door haar analyses van het mondiale financiële systeem. Binnen de ‘new economics’ beweging behoren ook de ‘green new deal’ en de internationale economische ongelijkheid tussen postindustriële landen en ontwikkelingslanden tot haar studieterrein. Al in 2003 deed ze de voorspelling dat de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk afstevenden op een schuldencrisis. Pettifor is mede-oprichter van de Jubilee 2000 ‘Drop the Debt’ – campagne en zit in die hoedanigheid aan tafel met de Bono’s, Bob Geldofs, Youssou N’Dours, Thom Yorkes en Muhammed Ali’s van deze wereld. Ze publiceerde o.a. ‘The Real World Economic Outlook – the legacy of globalization, debt and deflation’ (2003) en ‘The Coming First World Debt Crisis’ (2006). Ann Pettifor, die geboren werd in Zuid-Afrika, woont en werkt in Londen

Bekijk de video (NL ondertiteld):

via Tegenlicht: Waar Haal Je 160 Miljard Vandaan? – YouTube.

Video: 500 Trillion Dollar Family! Heads Of the Illuminati! Lord Jacob Rothschild | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 19th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Video: 500 Trillion Dollar Family! Heads Of the Illuminati! Lord Jacob Rothschild


The Rothschild dynasty goes back hundreds of years. Their known prowess in the banking and financial world. The run the banks, Wall St. and some parts of govt. They are the family who had the power to break up countries and destroy empires.Jacob Rothschild is a British investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family. He is also Honorary President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family.

As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder.  Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names:  Astor; Bundy; Collins; DuPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn. However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old practice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere.  There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition.

Read on and watch the video:

via Video: 500 Trillion Dollar Family! Heads Of the Illuminati! Lord Jacob Rothschild | Pakalert Press.

There Are Three Principal Bigotries The Mainstream Media Keeps Alive ­And Keeps Expanding! | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 14th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Banks and Banksters, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol | No Comments »

There Are Three Principal Bigotries The Mainstream Media Keeps Alive ­And Keeps Expanding!


J. Speer-Williams

The mainstream media is far from being an institution that disseminates truthful and important information; it specializes in lies while ignoring vital news.

The major corporate media is a covert collaboration that is regularly used to promote the predatory agenda of the ruling foreign oligarchs, of the insidious International Banking/Monetary Cartel through their intel agents in the US secret services.

Read on:

via There Are Three Principal Bigotries The Mainstream Media Keeps Alive ­And Keeps Expanding! | Pakalert Press.

Banken veroorzaken oorlog, inflatie en armoede! – Zideo – video, film, trailers & clips

Posted on oktober 5th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Banken veroorzaken oorlog, inflatie en armoede!

door mikeemmessen op 25 December 2008 in InformatiefDit filmpje is een compilatie van twee andere filmpjes, die erg veel op elkaar lijken: Monopoly Men en Masters of the Universe. De onderzoeksjournalist die het materiaal verzamelde heet Daniel Hopsicker. Het filmpje gaat over de oprichting van de Amerikaanse Centrale Bank, the Federal Reserve System, en de manier waarop deze malafide instelling de wereld helpt monopoliseren voor de grote bankiers, de multinationals en de adel (voornamelijk: Europese koningshuis). Het laat zien hoe alle ellende in de wereld opzettelijk veroorzaakt wordt voor de privébelangen van een handjevol ultrarijke meestercriminelen: de internationale bankiers. Inflatie, deflatie, oorlogen en economische crises zijn de perverse strategieën van de elite richting the New World Order. Helaas blijkt uit dit filmpje niet wat de énige oplossing tegen deze massale oplichting is, namelijk de invoering van een renteloos geldsysteem (zoals L.E.T.S).

via Banken veroorzaken oorlog, inflatie en armoede! – Zideo – video, film, trailers & clips.

Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2

Posted on oktober 4th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Banks and Banksters, Education to slavery, Europe-Europa, Mainstream-Media, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The People become Zombie-Like

Through Believing the Media”


Alexandra Bruce

October 3, 2014


WARNING: Contains graphic scenes of human carnage occurring now in Ukraine.


This clip is a continuation of Part 1, seen here:

Pastor Ivo Sasek continues his warning of the inevitability of War War III, unless the people wake up and refuse to be mind controlled by the mass media, citing the following pattern in all past wars:

“The US-warmongers, who are financially steered by foreigners, are striving for complete world domination.”

“Why we know World War Three is just around the corner:

1. Because the externally, financially-controlled US Government wants it.

2. Because the United States are bankrupt, they’re economically-depressed and they are the most indebted country on Earth.

3. Because the new BRICS banking system seals the final downfall of Wall Street and Pentagon Capitalism.

4. Because the US Government has always re-structured its national bankruptcy through external wars.

5. Because the bond-slaves of Wall Street, sitting in the White House desire undivided world dominion.

6. Because the mainstream Media, who are allies of the US intrigues, spread their war lies, worldwide, and thus systematically instigate a readiness for war in all peoples.

7. Because this results in making the people zombie-like, through believing the media.”

(Turn off the TV!!!)

via Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2.

Bankiers verklaren wereldwijd oorlog aan bevolking, EU werkt mee | Stop de bankiers

Posted on september 21st, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Politiek in Nederland | No Comments »

TISA, Bankiers verklaren wereldwijd oorlog aan bevolking, EU werkt mee. Nederland, onze volksvertegenwoordiging verraadt ons!

Oplichten door een bank wordt niet bestraft, maar oproepen tot een bankrun bij een criminele bank wel. Dat zou genoeg moeten zeggen over het rechtssysteem en de politiek die dat mede verzorgd.

Je ziet in alle lagen van onze overheden, woningcorporaties, banken, zorginstanties, etc. etc. corruptie en nog eens corruptie en allemaal over de botten van vele echt hard werkende Nederlanders.

Die corruptie wordt niet aangepakt, voor die mensen gelden andere wetten, die moeten zich verantwoorden tijdens hoorzittingen maar daaraan worden zelden of nooit straffen aan verbonden.

De burger daarentegen, die hoeft maar enkele kilometers te hard te rijden, meteen en zonder enkele vorm van pardon of wederhoor krijg je een fikse straf.

Er wordt dus met twee maten gemeten en nu pas sijpelt dit langzaam maar zeker door.

Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid is de enige oplossing om de aandacht van die lui te trekken. Maar dan wel massaal!

via Bankiers verklaren wereldwijd oorlog aan bevolking, EU werkt mee | Stop de bankiers.

The 9/11 Files | RealEcon TV

Posted on september 12th, 2014 in Banks and Banksters, Money-Geld | No Comments »

Bankers, Spooks and 9/11

Jan 13, 2014 Posted By WordPress In The 9/11 Files

9/11 was nothing if not a multi-purpose job. The fascists got to turn the US into a police state – and make a fortune in the process. The weapons makers got a super bonus. Dirt bag politicians who couldn’t get re-elected as dog catchers got to pose as statesmen. Oil companies got to triple and more the price of a barrel of crude. Israel got the US war machine unleashed on its enemies and was granted further leave to savagely abuse the Palestinians whose lands they stole. Even the Twin Tower’s owners got a break. The Twin Towers were packed with asbestos that made the buildings technically in violation of the building code. Abatement would have been financially impossible. 9/11 solved that problem. 9/11 also solved another problem. It made hundreds of employees of various brokerage houses who were privy to some massively dirty financial dealings disappear – permanently. The …

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via The 9/11 Files | RealEcon TV.