Archive for the ‘Big Pharma/Medicine’ Category
GlaxoSmithKline fined less than $100,000 for killing 14 babies during vaccine trials | David Icke
Posted on maart 3rd, 2016 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, Vaccins, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
In reacting to recent news that pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline accidentally dumped 12 gallons of live, concentrated polio virus into a Belgian river, it is important to remember that the company has a long history of safety violations in its vaccine business. In 2012, for example, an Argentinean judge found the company guilty of conducting illegal vaccine trials that led to the deaths of 14 babies.Yet the company was fined only 400,000 pesos, at the time the equivalent of about $93,000. Two doctors involved in the trial were fined another 300,000 pesos each.The company was found guilty of conducting trials on human beings (which is prohibited in Argentina) and of falsifying parental authorizations allowing the company to experiment on babies.’
Bron: GlaxoSmithKline fined less than $100,000 for killing 14 babies during vaccine trials | David Icke
“Populair ADHD-medicijn is eigenlijk gewoon crystal meth” –
Posted on februari 17th, 2016 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
Carl Hart, hoogleraar psychiatrie aan de Columbia-universiteit, was pas geleden in het nieuws omdat hij heeft gezegd dat het populaire ADHD-medicijn Adderall eigenlijk gewoon crystal meth is. Tegenover The Influence legt hij uit hoe hij tot die conclusie is gekomen.
Bron: “Populair ADHD-medicijn is eigenlijk gewoon crystal meth” –
Since when is limiting immigration a crime? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog
Posted on januari 29th, 2016 in Agenda 21, Big Pharma/Medicine, Europe refugees, Europe-Europa, Syria, Syria War | No Comments »
As I’ve explained in previous articles, the whole “wave of migration” is an op. It’s not meant to be humane. It’s meant to destabilize societies and countries, bring on chaos, destroy traditional cultures and borders, and permit Globalization to advance.
Bron: Since when is limiting immigration a crime? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog
Challenge to the Western World
Posted on januari 23rd, 2016 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Articles, Banks and Banksters, Big Pharma/Medicine, Europe-Europa, False flag operations, Geen categorie, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, Health-Gezondheid, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol, Money-Geld, New World Order, Secret Societies, State Terrorism, The War on Terror, Uncategorized, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
Maybe I overlooked something, so I challenge the whole western world, every politician, intellectuals etc, etc. to come up with documented proof, historically or temporary, that Putin’s Russia is the agressor in the world.
And I do not mean “probably” or “possibly”, but undeniable, verifiable and factual proof. Show me and convince me that it is not America, UN, EU, UK, and the Cabal behind it, but Putin’s Russia we should be afraid of…
WHO Admits That Smallpox Vaccine Created AIDS/HIV | Your News Wire
Posted on januari 18th, 2016 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, New weapons to be used against you, Vaccins, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
An adviser to WHO who disclosed the problem, told The Times: ‘I thought it was just a coincidence until we studied the latest findings about the reactions which can be caused by Vaccinia. Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of Aids.’ ‘In obliterating one disease, another was transformed.’
Bron: WHO Admits That Smallpox Vaccine Created AIDS/HIV | Your News Wire
Posted on januari 17th, 2016 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, Vaccins, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
the “zika virus outbreak”…how is it that so many individual doctors are allowing this shrunken brain epidemic to be laid on zika? Is there no attending physician ANYWHERE who has another insight into the sudden onset of this unfortunate malady? Are they being instructed at “gunpoint” to auto-report zika when they see the shrunken brain in a newborn, or are they individually scratching their heads, reporting an un-diagnosed malady, and allowing WHO or its local agents to do the diagnosing? You’re doing the Lord’s work, Jim. Be extremely cautious, for such work has been known to get one nailed to a cross. J-Bird
My response: Obviously, my take on this is based on deductive logic which says
1. You can’t have a mild virus that never caused a problem with newborns suddenly hit a knife edge, starting in November suddenly, like a lightning strike and destroy 2400 newborns in a single country between November 1 and December 30 with absolutely none happening before. Because this cannot happen,
logical step 2: It has to be caused by something new, that was introduced while these women were pregnant. Because I happen to know a fair amount about random medical topics and am already up in arms over vaccines I knew variable 3: That in Latin America, all women are strongly encouraged to get various vaccines between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy.
If we have 2,400 freak occurences, which might happen to a country 10 times per year as a norm, suddenly strike like lightning and take out 2400 plus in only two months ( a 1,600 fold increase if you factor that into an entire upcoming year, and to make the numbers more obvious, that is a 160,000 percent increase,) there has to be a common binding factor causing it that is not any mosquito borne disease. It can’t be a mosquito borne disease because ZERO in October to 1,200 in November and 1,200 in December cannot happen that way.
If this was a mosquito borne zika virus problem, there would have been a trend – 5 in May, 30 in June, 100 in July, building up to what is happening now. The fact that did not build up to this final dreadful outcome proves there is something else causing this, and whoever spewed about Zika knows what it is, and that it is not Zika.The only common binding women specific transmission vector that could make this possible is the Tdap vaccine. Shrunken baby brain occurences would suddenly show up like someone flipping a switch 18 – 20 weeks after such a batch of vaccines got introduced into Brazil. 20 weeks is five months. That leaves the end of May, June, July, August, September, October, Bam-0, in November it suddenly shows up in live births.
They said Zika showed up in May. Math says something showed up in May but historical medical logic and precedent says it could not possibly be the zika virus.As far as “allowing a shrunken brain epidemic”, even if they figure out it is the Tdap vaccine (and I am sure many who can think are suspecting that, these people are not stupid) this scourge will continue for five and a half months after they shut it down. It is not a matter of allowing it, it is a matter of dealing with the consequences of an attack after being shot. The people pulling this scam may get away with it for a few more months, because people in the medical community tend to be overly trusting of those who call the shots, but beyond that they are going to have to start killing doctors until all that are smart enough to figure this out are eliminated.
It is rational to think they know that and are ready to do exactly that.I have top posted the Tdap vaccine scam so people who were on vacation when this first went up can find it.
Wat u altijd wilde weten over de ‘EU te Brussel’ – Maar niemand u durfde te vertellen!
Posted on januari 12th, 2016 in 2e wereldoorlog, Agenda 21, Big Pharma/Medicine, CIA-Intelligence, Eugenetics, Europe-Europa, False flag operations, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, Health-Gezondheid, History-Geschiedenis, Informatieve websites, New World Order, Secret Societies, State Terrorism, Vaccins, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
Wat u altijd wilde weten over de ‘EU te Brussel’ – Maar niemand u durfde te vertellen!
Dit boek vertelt een verhaal, waar vele lezers, om duidelijke redenen, in eerste instantie bezwaren tegen hadden. Met als argument dat als de diepgaande historische informatie, die in dit boek is vastgelegd, waar zou zijn. Zij er vanzelfsprekend eerder over gehoord zouden hebben.
Bijna driekwart eeuw lang werd de wereld verteld, dat de Tweede Wereldoorlog (WO II) werd veroorzaakt door een krankzinnige (geesteszieke heet dat tegenwoordig), Adolf Hitler en zijn aanhang van racisten, de Nazi’s. De feiten zijn, dat WO II een veroveringsoorlog was ten gunste van het chemie, olie en farmaceutisch kartel. Met als doel bezit te krijgen over de miljarden dollar-afzetmarkt op de zich ontwikkelende terreinen van gepatenteerde chemische producten. Lees verder en deel a.u.b…
Family Guy and the Cure for Cancer | David Icke
Posted on januari 12th, 2016 in Big Pharma/Medicine, David Icke | No Comments » – US-FDA-fraude rondom GMO’s ontmaskerd..!!
Posted on maart 12th, 2015 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Books, Food-Voeding, Health-Gezondheid, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
10 maart 2015
Door GuidoJ.
Het lijkt erop alsof ALLE verborgen rotzooi ineens -in een paar jaar tijd- aan het licht dient te komen.Het is voorspeld in veel horoscopen en channelings: we reiken met onze Aarde in een hoog-frequente periode in de Kosmos, waardoor ‘laag-frequente’ leugens steeds minder, of zelfs helemaal géén vat meer hebben op onze dagelijkse levens.Daarmee komen nu uit de diepste holen de feiten over manipulatie, onderdrukking, uitbuiting en ondermijning. Hadden we in het kader van de ontmaskering van de ‘Grote Boze Wolf’, oftewel de Verenigde Staten, al eerder de ontmaskering van de leugen dat vaccins NIET verantwoordelijk zouden zijn voor autistische patronen bij gevaccineerden HIER en HIER nu is er opnieuw sprake van een ontluisterende fraude die aan het licht komt, op het gebied van volksgezondheid. HIER vind je de informatie over de verschijning van de film ‘Bought’, die keihard en zonder enige twijfel, de leugens en manipulaties van de farmaceutische industrie aan het licht brengt.En dan is er de verschijning van een revolutionair boek over genetisch gemanipuleerde gewassen en voedsel.. GMO En hoe kan het anders dan dat de manipulatie-cowboys van Monsanto weer eens in hetzelfde daglicht komen staan, waarin ook Big Pharma al jaren staat. Manipulatie, bedrog, wetsmanipulatie door draaideurpolitiek en agressief lobby-werk, etc. Het blijkt allemaal weer uit het onderstaande artikel. Dit is keer is het zelfs primatologe Jane Goodall, die haar invloed ten goede deed gelden. Samen met Steven Druker openen ze de krocht van de overheidsmanipulatie rondom GMO, genetische gemanipuleerde organismen. Hier het hele verhaal.
via – US-FDA-fraude rondom GMO’s ontmaskerd..!!.