Archive for the ‘Big Pharma/Medicine’ Category


Posted on oktober 19th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »



Bericht uit West Afrika

De mensen in Europa en Amerika moeten worden geïnformeerd over wat er gebeurt in West Afrika schrijft Nana Kwame uit Ghana.

Ebola® bestaat niet als virus en is niet besmettelijk. Het is een parasiet die via de injectienaald van Het Rode Kruis wordt verspreid. De ziekte is specifiek in 4 landen voor 4 specifieke redenen geïntroduceerd door Het Rode Kruis. Daarom begint men nu in Liberia en Nigeria medewerkers van Het Rode Kruis het land uit te schoppen.

In Ghana, Liberia en Nigeria ziet men Het Rode Kruis als de besmettingshaard van het dodelijke Ebola®.

De specifieke redenen zijn de volgende.

[1] Troepen op de grond van Liberia, Sierra Leone en Nigeria. In Nigeria is eerder geprobeerd door misleiding troepen te sturen, u herinnert zich de ontvoering van honderden meisjes door de barbaren van Boko Haram. Er zijn GEEN meisjes ontvoerd. Er worden GEEN meisjes vermist. (Zie bovenstaande foto: protesten van de bewoners). Er moest dus naar een nieuw argument worden gezocht om het olierijke Nigeria te bezetten. Want er zijn in Noord Nigeria gigantische nieuwe voorraden olie ontdekt. Juist vandaag bereikte ons “toevallig” het bericht dat het onverzoenlijke en radicale Boko Haram een wapenstilstand is overeengekomen met de centrale regering van Nigeria. Is de geestelijk vader van alle terreurbewegingen door de mand gevallen?

Lees verder:


Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 17th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation

By Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2014

“The Reality Manufacturing Company paints a mural of reality for the masses; the Company paints a bigger and bigger mural, entangling more people in more systems…” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

Behind every phony pandemic, there are a number of agendas in play.

In this case, the Globalist heavy hitters, who are dedicated to managing the planet, view things this way:

***Use a crisis to build a larger structure than previously existed.

As in: one global healthcare system. All-encompassing.

The propaganda? “We can’t defeat Ebola unless all nations form one system that allows prevention and quarantine and immediate treatment anywhere on Earth.”

In that sense, Ebola is the occasion for adding wings to the system.

Ditto for every so-called epidemic.

“Well, we faced down and ultimately defeated virus X. But at great cost of life. Now we have to build better bridges between the healthcare systems of nations—and finally, we need one great Dispensary that adjudicates where drugs and vaccines go, who is quarantined, which borders are sealed off, at any point on the globe.”

We’re talking about a very high-level op here.

Read on

via Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Ebola hoax: the numbers game « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 16th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Ebola hoax: the numbers game

by Jon Rappoport

October 15, 2014

There are several ways to create and manage a fake epidemic.

For example, the agency in charge invents case numbers and death numbers—and then, after they introduce the vaccine or the drug, they change those numbers. They lower them. The cut them down. And they say, “We won. We beat the virus with the vaccine.”

This certainly happened in the “Swine Flu crisis” of 2009. The CDC and WHO blew up the case numbers to absurd heights…and then shut the whole operation down by saying the numbers had dropped to negligible levels.

And they declared victory.

The CDC, the World Health Organization, the US Department of Homeland Security, the US National Institutes of Health, the DOD, and the suppliers and manufacturers of an Ebola vaccine…they’re all thinking the same thing:

“How do we manage the numbers, so we can produce the greatest degree of fear and compliance, and then claim victory?”

via Ebola hoax: the numbers game « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

You won’t believe the CDC told this lie « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 16th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

You won’t believe the CDC told this lie

By Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2014

Quick background to set the stage:

In October of 2009, Sharyl Attkisson, writing for CBS News, exposed the fact that the CDC had stopped counting Swine Flu cases in the US. The real reason?

The overwhelming number of blood samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients, sent to labs, were coming back negative for the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus, or any flu virus.

This was a killer. It left the CDC completely exposed. They were claiming there were tens of thousands Swine Flu cases in America. But the lab tests were revealing how preposterous that lie was.

Okay. An hour ago, I found a page on the CDC website labeled “H1N1 Flu.” The article posted there is: “CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 [Swine Flu] Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the US.”

Here is a quote. Buckle up:

“During the pandemic, CDC provided estimates of the numbers of 2009 H1N1 cases, hospitalizations and deaths on seven different occasions. Final estimates were published in 2011. These final estimates were that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (8868-18,306) occurred in the United States due to pH1N1.”

SIXTY MILLION cases of Swine Flu in America.

One out of every five people in the US had Swine Flu.

Sixty million.

This lie takes the cake.

“Well, they caught us lying about tens of thousands of Swine Flu cases. All the tests came back negative. So what do we do?”

“Only one thing we can do. Tell a lie so huge it’ll paralyze the mind. People buy the biggest lies, right?”

via You won’t believe the CDC told this lie « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out! | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 15th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Health-Gezondheid, NSA, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out!


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The “FEMA Camps” conspiracy theory is getting a new breath of life with ‘Ebola in America’ and calls for Ebola camps to be set up in every state and every big city now going out. Margaret Pfeiffer brings us up to date on the FEMA camps across America in the 1st video below while in the 2nd video, you’ll hear the call for ‘Ebola camps’ in every big city. In the 3rd video, a Dallas nurse says that more and more healthcare workers are starting to believe that the virus is airborne. You can check out the FEMA Camps in your area here.

via FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out! | Pakalert Press.

Merck Vaccine Manipulations

Posted on oktober 13th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine | No Comments »

Merck’s Vaccine Manipulations, ABC Producer Exposes NSA Lies, Diabetes Cure Imminent

Revealing News Articles

October 13, 2014

Dear friends,

Below are key excerpts of important news articles which include revealing information on Merck’s criminal vaccine manipulations and threats to “neutralize” dissenting doctors, ABC producer James Bamford exposing NSA lies, big corporations buying direct access to US governors, and more.

Read also wonderfully inspiring articles on an imminent cure for type 1 diabetes, a doctor who works for the poor and never charges a penny, and the inspiring results of the largest study ever of those who have been declared dead but come back to life. You can also skip to this section now.

Read on:

via Merck Vaccine Manipulations.

Criminal Mainstream Media Ebola Hoax: 100% Revealed! CNN Caught Paying Crisis Actors – Meanwhile, Connecticut Declares State of Emergency

Posted on oktober 13th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, False flag operations, Mainstream-Media | No Comments »

In a CNN Report, the Alleged Father of One Unconvincing Victim – is Later Shown Putting a Fat Wad of Cash in His back Pocket, as He Leaves the Scene


Alexandra Bruce

October 12, 2014

Even though the first cases of Ebola in the US were in States not located near New York and Washington DC, it appears that a liberal bastion in the Northeast, the US State whose motto, proudly emblazoned on its Residents’ vehicle license plates is “The Constitution State,” (just to totally mess with your head) actually has very little regard for the Constitution and individual liberties.

On October 7th, an important protection was suspended from the Bill of Rights, with the decree that anyone even *thought* to *potentially* have Ebola will be quarantined and isolated from the rest of society.

Many wary Americans have been warning of the various possibilities surrounding an Ebola outbreak in this country, and this decree given by Connecticut Governor, Dan Malloy is a potential indicator that martial law, based on this “medical emergency” may soon be declared throughout the country.

Malloy has declared a Public Health Emergency in Connecticut, authorizing bureaucrats to detain and force-vaccinate people without due process – despite not one single case being found in CT.

If there is a major Ebola pandemic in America, it’s safe to say that all of the liberties and the freedoms currently enjoyed by the US populace will be taken away.

Meanwhile, the video above, [ROUGH LANGUAGE ALERT!!!] shows scenes from a CNN report shot in in Liberia (which have since been taken down from CNN’s website, due to its glaring falsities).

This footage, taken in the African nation purported to be Ground Zero of this (alleged?) pandemic, suggests that the entire ebola narrative could be a 100% hoax, where crisis actors are shown doing highly unconvincing jobs of mimicking illness – with the alleged father of one dubious “victim” is shown putting a fat wad of cash, as payment for his performance in his back pocket, as he leaves the scene.

Jeff C. of freeradiorevolution states bluntly that the Senior staffs at CNN and the NY

Times should be charged with fraud, its members put behind bars and that nobody should ever trust another word issued from these bogus institutions ever again.

watch the video:

via Criminal Mainstream Media Ebola Hoax: 100% Revealed! CNN Caught Paying Crisis Actors – Meanwhile, Connecticut Declares State of Emergency.

“If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?” « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

“If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?”

by Jon Rappoport

October 11, 2014

Some readers, who haven’t been reading all my Ebola articles (archived here), will respond by saying, “If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?”

The flaw in that question is the use of the word “it,” which suggests that whatever is making people sick and killing them is one thing.

This is the same flaw present in AIDS, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu. The assumption that one germ is responsible, in each “epidemic,” is false.

The illness and death occurred for many different reasons—and the medical trick involved is pretending a single virus connected all these disparate people together.

In other words: hoax.

Read on:

via “If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?” « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Analyzing epidemics « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Analyzing epidemics

by Jon Rappoport

October 12, 2014

Let’s face it; a whole lot of people would believe three cows bumping into each other in a field was an epidemic, if they were told it was.

If tomorrow, the CDC came out with the pronouncement that the moon was a giant virus, many people would hide in their cellars.

Conversely, Brian Williams could call people dropping like flies in Times Square the result of one tainted hot dog in Des Moines, and viewers would find a way to buy it.

For years, the CDC trumpeted the yearly death toll from flu, in the US, as 36,000, and no one blinked or trembled. Not a problem. Why? Because no one in charge said: “epidemic.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that, globally, there are between 3 and 5 million cases of ordinary flu every year, and between 250,000 and 500,000 people die. Ho-hum. Pass the salt. Again, no one says “epidemic.”

But in the spring of 2009, with just 20 cases of Swine Flu on the books, WHO declared a level-6 pandemic, its highest danger category. And people started buying bottled water and canned goods.

Of course, to make that pronouncement, WHO had to change its definition of pandemic. Widespread death and severe debilitation were no longer required.

via Analyzing epidemics « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

New CDC whistleblower video: more autism fraud « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 10th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

New CDC whistleblower video: more autism fraud

by Jon Rappoport

October 9, 2014

Narrated by Andrew Wakefield, this new video is titled: “Isolated” autism—Your Child?

It can be found by searching for “Autism Media Channel on Vimeo.”

In the video, Wakefield explains that in 2001, CDC whistleblower William Thompson and colleagues found a second connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

The first connection, now widely known, was among African-American male babies.

This second connection was discovered in young children, regardless of race, who had a) received the MMR vaccine on schedule, as recommended by the CDC, and b) had no other factors sometimes observed to accompany autism, such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and birth defects.

This subset of children was labeled “isolated autism.” They showed an increased risk for autism after receiving the MMR vaccine.


via New CDC whistleblower video: more autism fraud « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.