Archive for the ‘Electronische wapens en groepstalking’ Category

Russisch ministerie waarschuwt voor speciale informatiewapens die je gedachten beïnvloeden –

Posted on januari 9th, 2016 in Agenda 21, Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Mindcontrol, New weapons to be used against you, New World Order | No Comments »

Vergeet luchtaanvallen, tanks of kernwapens. Het Russische ministerie van Noodsituaties waarschuwt voor nieuwe dreigingen, waaronder energetische, elektromagnetische, geofysische en genetische wapens. Er zullen ook speciale informatiewapens komen die de perceptie van mensen beïnvloeden, aldus het ministerie. Daardoor verandert hun hele manier van denken.

Bron: Russisch ministerie waarschuwt voor speciale informatiewapens die je gedachten beïnvloeden –

‘Minority Report’ Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality

Posted on december 31st, 2015 in Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Internet, New weapons to be used against you, New World Order, Science-Wetenschap, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The Internet is watching us now. If they want to. They can see what sites you visit. In the future, television will be watching us, and customizing itself to what it knows about us. The thrilling thing is, that will make us feel we’re part of the medium. The scary thing is, we’ll lose our right to privacy. An ad will appear in the air around us, talking directly to us.”—Director Steven Spielberg, Minority Report

We are a scant 40 years away from the futuristic world that science fiction author Philip K. Dick envisioned for Minority Report in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and if you dare to step out of line, dark-clad police SWAT teams will crack a few skulls to bring the populace under control.

via ‘Minority Report’ Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality.

Covert Harassment Conference 2014

Posted on oktober 23rd, 2014 in CIA-Intelligence, Education to slavery, Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Geen categorie, Mindcontrol, New weapons to be used against you, New World Order, NSA, State Terrorism | No Comments »

Dit gebeurt ook al lang in Nederland.


We are very proud to announce our first conference on covert harassment. The conference is the first of an annual human rights conference with the aim to create awareness on the covert harassment of civilians. Not only whistle blowers, activists and political opponents are targeted, but also thousands of innocent civilians are subjected to non-consensual testing and mind control experimentation by a myriad of non-lethal weapons and covert community harassment by government and non-government agencies. The conference addresses these issues on individual and global scale, and is also about trying to find solutions for all those targeted, which soon will be all children of our world.

Geachte mevrouw / mijnheer,

De European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) en Stichting STOPEG (STOP Electronische wapens and Groepstalking) nodigen u hierbij uit om de wereld’s eerste conferentie over Geheime Belaging (Covert Harassment) bij te wonen.

Naast een breed scala van onderwerpen met betrekking tot Geheime Belaging, zal de conferentie zich richten op de volgende thema’s:

  • Globale mind control en kunstmatige intelligentie
  • Georganiseerde stalking en electronische belaging
  • Het gebruik van scalaire golven bij mind control
  • Een mens is een geest, niet een lichaam
  • Verbreken geheimhouding mind control technologie
  • De wet gebruiken om geheime robotisering en martelen te voorkomen

Hoofdsprekers zijn:

  • Magnus Olsson, Economie, Cesar Ritz, Zwitserland. American University, Parijs en Harvard, Boston, Verenigde Staten
  • Peter Mooring, Electronica en Computer Architectuur, Technische Universiteit Delft, Nederland
  • William Binney, NSA klokkenluider. Ex-werknemer van NSA, consultant voor CIA, NRO.
  • Dr. Henning Witte, Rechten in Munchen, Uppsala (Zweden) en Bon. Meester in de rechten, Frankfurt Universiteit, Duitsland
  • Dr. Rauni Kilde, Bachelor medicijnen, Universiteit Turku. Bevoegd arts, Universiteit Turku, Finland
  • Mojmír Babáček, Filosofie en Economie, Charles University, Praag. Auteur, Czech Republic
  • Alfred Lambremont Webre, MA, JD, Yale University, Yale Law School internationaal recht. NGO afgevaardige Verenigde Naties

Datum: Donderdag 20 november 2014

Plaats: Bedford Hotel, Brussel

Voor meer informatie en aanmelding gaat u naar:

Lees verder:

via Covert Harassment Conference 2014.

FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out! | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 15th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Health-Gezondheid, NSA, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out!


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The “FEMA Camps” conspiracy theory is getting a new breath of life with ‘Ebola in America’ and calls for Ebola camps to be set up in every state and every big city now going out. Margaret Pfeiffer brings us up to date on the FEMA camps across America in the 1st video below while in the 2nd video, you’ll hear the call for ‘Ebola camps’ in every big city. In the 3rd video, a Dallas nurse says that more and more healthcare workers are starting to believe that the virus is airborne. You can check out the FEMA Camps in your area here.

via FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out! | Pakalert Press.

New World War: Home Page

Posted on september 9th, 2014 in Electronische wapens en groepstalking | No Comments »


Welcome to, where you’ll find information on a technologically advanced, covert program of persecution and control, that has been happening for decades all over the world, and is covered-up by our societal institutions.

What follows is a brief explanation of what is happening, starting with a description of those who influence world events. You may want to read the online book after this presentation.

What They Are

Underneath our observable personalities there is a vital set of information that contains wisdom and moral values. Also encoded on this level is an emotional content that allows us to experience high-level emotions such as empathy and love. This is the place where our conscience resides, as well as the need to want to contribute to humanity. This information is critical for the survival of the human race.

There is a group of people who exist partially estranged from the rest of society known as psychopaths, who lack this information. Although the traits exhibited by these people appear in diagnostic manuals, it is less accurate to describe them as mentally-ill than it is to say that they are not human as you know it. There is usually no curing them. By any decent person’s standards they would be considered very sick.

via New World War: Home Page.

New World War: Home Page

Posted on september 9th, 2014 in Electronische wapens en groepstalking | No Comments »


Welcome to, where you’ll find information on a technologically advanced, covert program of persecution and control, that has been happening for decades all over the world, and is covered-up by our societal institutions.

What follows is a brief explanation of what is happening, starting with a description of those who influence world events. You may want to read the online book after this presentation.

What They Are

Underneath our observable personalities there is a vital set of information that contains wisdom and moral values. Also encoded on this level is an emotional content that allows us to experience high-level emotions such as empathy and love. This is the place where our conscience resides, as well as the need to want to contribute to humanity. This information is critical for the survival of the human race.

There is a group of people who exist partially estranged from the rest of society known as psychopaths, who lack this information. Although the traits exhibited by these people appear in diagnostic manuals, it is less accurate to describe them as mentally-ill than it is to say that they are not human as you know it. There is usually no curing them. By any decent person’s standards they would be considered very sick.

via New World War: Home Page.

Peter Mooring on the web » Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(17) – Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they commit belong to the worst crimes in history.

Posted on september 9th, 2014 in Electronische wapens en groepstalking | No Comments »

Peter Mooring on the web is a blog about horrible human rights violations by secret services. Using gang stalking techniques and hi-tech electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) every year thousands of people all over the world are tortured and murdered, most of them never knowing what happened. Those who know often suffer horrendous (electronic) torture.

See also: STOPEG foundation,


The people cookers – Cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat, or here

Electronic harassment and electronic torture list – February 26, 2009


Probably the most horrible consequence of these weapons based on radio waves is that you can NOT protect yourself, your children, your loved ones anymore. You can no longer say: stay in this room, you are safe here. Attackers simply look and attack through walls and manipulate your brain and cook/burn your body with intensities that can be deadly. Police cannot protect you, security services cannot protect you. That is why these weapons must be banned, not tomorrow but NOW.

See also:, STOPEG foundation

via Peter Mooring on the web » Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(17) – Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they commit belong to the worst crimes in history..


Posted on september 9th, 2014 in Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Mindcontrol | No Comments »

De onthullingen van Edward Snowden over afluisteren door de NSA zijn maar het topje van de ijsberg. Duizenden onschuldige mensen, waaronder kinderen, in de Verenigde Staten en andere Westerse landen worden aangevallen en (fysiek en/of geestelijk) vermoord door geheime diensten, inclusief leger, met hun hi-tech methoden en ontkenbare (door-de-muur) electronische wapens. We moeten allemaal ons best doen om deze criminelen op te sluiten! Stuur deze website s.v.p. door naar je familie en vrienden. Dank je. Peter

Edward Snowden op 17 december 2013: Deze programma’s gingen nooit over terrorisme: ze gaan over economische spionage, sociale controle en diplomatieke manipulatie. Ze gaan over macht. Lees

Peter Mooring op 4 januari 2014: En macht gaat over eliminatie van tegenstanders. Dit is precies wat geheime diensten doen … elimineren. Het andere dat geheime diensten doen is experimenteren met nieuwe methoden en nieuwe wapens, dit wordt ‘mind control experimentation’ genoemd. In beide gevallen zijn de methoden en wapens vaak groepstalking en elektronische wapens. Veel onwetende en onschuldige mensen waaronder kinderen worden op deze manieren geelimineerd of onderworpen aan deze experimenten. Veel lijden, velen sterven. Deze misdaden behoren tot de ernstigste in de geschiedenis en zijn een schande voor de mensheid.