DW: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure.” I’m your host, David Wilcock, and in this episode, we’re going to continue a fascinating discussion about the “alleged” colonization of Mars by our own military industrial complex, beginning with the Germans. I’m here interviewing Corey Goode. So Corey, welcome back to the show.
CG: Thank you.
DW: We’ve been talking about the Germans getting to Mars. And one of several interesting things we talked about in the previous episode was this harnessing of a bubble type of Stargate system. You said that in the very, very beginning of when they were using this technology that it was a strictly natural phenomenon. And you said the phenomenon could be in the atmosphere, could be on the surface of the Earth, or it could be inside the Earth. You mentioned that the Germans had extraterrestrial support on knowing where these things were going to appear. If this is a natural phenomenon, then why would there not be more of a widespread knowledge about this? And why would other people have not figured out how to use these already? Read on….
Paul Hellyer is een Canadese ingenieur, politicus, schrijver en commentator, die een lange en gevarieerde carrière heeft gehad. Als vliegtuigbouwkundig ingenieur was hij later actief in de politiek, o.a. als minister voor Defensie in Canada.
Deze man (wederom een klokkenluider) heeft een dermate dringende, indringende en belangrijke boodschap dat ik deze video weer wilde vertalen en ondertitelen. Het duurt zo’n 34 minuten en is zéér de moeite waard. Wat mij betreft geldt dit: als je dit niet gelooft ga je nooit meer iets geloven! Breng alles wat deze man brengt in verband met al mijn laatste artikelen over GMO’s, Big Pharma, chemtrails, HAARP, the Georgia Guidestones (agenda 21) etc. en je hebt het hele plaatje. De tijd dringt nu echt om wakker te worden en daarom heeft Paul Hellyer onlangs deze openhartige video gemaakt en een boek geschreven ‘The Money mafia’. Heel dapper van hem! Genoeg reden voor mij om deze te gaan vertalen en ondertitelen zoals ik al eerder schreef. Zie hier dan nu de video in het Nederlands.
Deel dit alsjeblieft zoveel mogelijk, want de geschiedenis moet herschreven worden om het heden te begrijpen en de toekomst te veranderen!
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Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Oxford scholar and prolific author Dr. Joseph Farrell as they reveal the hidden dealings of a secret breakaway group operating inside the national security state with covert knowledge of UFOs, black budget finances, advanced technology, and occult rituals.
Dr. Farrell’s work focuses on what he refers to as a “Tower of Babel” moment as he uncovers the obscure trail of hidden warfare between ancient humans who were technologically advanced and interstellar travelers referred to as ‘The Watchers” who interfered with humanity in esoteric science and genetics and put a space quarantine in place to prevent earthlings from rising into the heavens again.
Are the extraterrestrial watchers back to see if their human cousins are engaged in dangerous technological development and building a new Tower of Babel?
Black budget financing, advanced nazi bell technology, UFO sightings, alien contact, secret moon bases, and occult symbolism in crop circles are just some of the controversial subjects in this intense and highly informative Dark Journalist episode!
A DNA analysis of elongated Paracas skulls has shown that they may not be human and that they could come from an entirely new species that fits outside of the known evolutionary tree.
This belief stems from a test that showed a DNA sample taken from the skulls turned out to be unlike any known human DNA.
Mark Sovel and Lissette Padilla discuss the skepticism behind this test, in this clip from the Lip News.
An aircraft encounters a blinking object, sighted and caught on video while tracking the aircraft.
The object approaches the plane in apparently purposeful, controlled manner, heading straight for contrails, where it hangs for a while before exiting the trail.
Raw footage followed by key sequence, enhanced and slowed down (00:30).
hand held camera (Panasonic SDR-H80), 70x optical zoom
In this exciting episode Dark Journalist interviews the legendary UFO investigator and best-selling author Timothy Good. His deep research on ET contact has led him to the startling conclusion that there are both benevolent and sinister alien beings battling for influence and control of planet earth!
In his newly revealed investigation Timothy has discovered an ongoing worldwide contactee group known as “Amicizia” or “Friendship” that spans over five decades of alien contact. These helpful ET visitors, who are known simply as the “W56,” closely resemble human beings and want to help humanity grow spiritually.
However, Timothy also reveals that contacts deep inside military intelligence have informed him of a technologically super-advanced negative ET group. These malevolent aliens are attempting to genetically engineer a hybrid race comprised of human DNA spliced with alien genes from the species traditionally known as the “Greys.”
Highly scientifically advanced, these aliens have also constructed massive, sophisticated underground bases around the world and are attempting to complete their evil takeover plan in a one hundred year period ending in 2046!
Fascinating and brimming with startling new contact stories and cutting-edge research on classic cases like the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, Dark Journalist and Timothy Good dive deep into Aliens: Good & Evil!
Grey uploaded: Sep 8, 2014Hits: 1812
Jenny Haase interviews Dara Percival from The Conscious Reporter, on her article Current Media Events and Hints of a Fake Alien Invasion.
“With hints of an alien invasion increasingly mentioned in the mainstream media, this article examines the possibility the world is being prepared for a false flag alien attack that would serve as a catalyst for military expansion.”
Dara Percival’s article: USE/DEALING: Some websites, videos, and images shown in this video have been used solely for the non-profit, non-commercial, educational purposes of news reporting, commentary/criticism, and review. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ and fair dealing of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law which contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research, and under Sections 41, 42, and 103A of the Australian Copyright act of :0:00, 2:25Ronald Reagan at the 1987 United Nations General :12, 1:43Bill Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in April 2014:05Earthlings not ready for alien encounters :15How would the world react to a threat of alien invasion?:21Whitehouse Petition – Searching for ET, But No Evidence :24Olympics UFO :28Paul Krugman Fake Alien :05Independence Day :58Boeing_777-200ER_Malaysia_AL_(MAS)_9M-MRO_-_MSN_28420_404_(9272090094) by russavia under CC BY-SA :Boeing_777-200ER_Malaysia_AL_%28MAS%29_9M-MRO_-_MSN_28420_404_%289272090094%:24CNN MH370 SurveyTwitter via @aedwardslevy4:54Dr. Carol Rosin :00Crop circle photos copyright Lucy :24The Friendship :59The Disclosure Project – The National Press Club see CC license details visit:
What appears to be an alien or otherwise cryptid being was surprisingly revealed in video still frame of a panel discussion among world-famous ufologists, at the CONTACT in the DESERT event, held in Joshua Tree, CA in August 2014.
It’s long been shown that UFOs and cryptid beings can be photographed in infrared and even in digital video, which have the ability to capture different or broader spectra of light, respectively than those visible to the naked human eye.
In this still frame of a home digital video, a classic “Grey Alien” can be seen standing directly behind one of this epoch’s trailblazers on several topics, author Erich von Daniken, during a panel discussion on the topic of UFOs and the Annunaki, where he is seated next to ‘Ancient Aliens’ presenter, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Coast 2 Coast’s radio host, George Noory, prolific ufological author, Nick Redfern, Jason Martell and Marshall Klarfeld.
Dr. J Andy Ilias, who was on location at the Joshua Tree event, shared his report to Thirdphaseofmoon.
“This video was made with the express permission and cooperation of whom I believe to be the original media source of this incredible footage. The first two minutes of this video contains a quick recap of the history of the ‘Skinny Bob’ footage, followed by incredible revelations and important details never before disclosed.”