Archive for the ‘False flag operations’ Category


Posted on oktober 15th, 2014 in False flag operations, Flight MH17, Ukraïne | No Comments »



Aan de lafaards in Den Haag.

Bijgaand een bericht, die hier de TV zwaar gecensureerd zal bereiken.

Sinds maandag verzamelen VRIJWILLIGERS  uit de Donbass de persoonlijke eigendommen van de omgekomen passagiers van Vlucht MH-17.

De eerste vol geladen vrachtwagen wordt naar het Oekraïense Kharkov gestuurd.

Dus nu moeten we het zo zien, dat lokale vrijwilligers hun leven op het spel zetten voor de plichtsverzaking van de Nederlandse “regering”?

Jazeker, zo moeten wij dat zien. De verzameling lafaards in Den Haag spelen mooi weer en beweren dat het allemaal te gevaarlijk is en dat de Russische winter voor de deur staat. Wat een schofterige behandeling van de “nabestaanden”. Natuurlijk ligt het wrak inmiddels in de frontlinie. Maar dat was twee maanden geleden nog niet zo. Dat weet iedereen, behalve de “regering”.


De Nederlandse “regering” is 100% medeplichtig aan genocide van 298 mensen.


Criminal Mainstream Media Ebola Hoax: 100% Revealed! CNN Caught Paying Crisis Actors – Meanwhile, Connecticut Declares State of Emergency

Posted on oktober 13th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, False flag operations, Mainstream-Media | No Comments »

In a CNN Report, the Alleged Father of One Unconvincing Victim – is Later Shown Putting a Fat Wad of Cash in His back Pocket, as He Leaves the Scene


Alexandra Bruce

October 12, 2014

Even though the first cases of Ebola in the US were in States not located near New York and Washington DC, it appears that a liberal bastion in the Northeast, the US State whose motto, proudly emblazoned on its Residents’ vehicle license plates is “The Constitution State,” (just to totally mess with your head) actually has very little regard for the Constitution and individual liberties.

On October 7th, an important protection was suspended from the Bill of Rights, with the decree that anyone even *thought* to *potentially* have Ebola will be quarantined and isolated from the rest of society.

Many wary Americans have been warning of the various possibilities surrounding an Ebola outbreak in this country, and this decree given by Connecticut Governor, Dan Malloy is a potential indicator that martial law, based on this “medical emergency” may soon be declared throughout the country.

Malloy has declared a Public Health Emergency in Connecticut, authorizing bureaucrats to detain and force-vaccinate people without due process – despite not one single case being found in CT.

If there is a major Ebola pandemic in America, it’s safe to say that all of the liberties and the freedoms currently enjoyed by the US populace will be taken away.

Meanwhile, the video above, [ROUGH LANGUAGE ALERT!!!] shows scenes from a CNN report shot in in Liberia (which have since been taken down from CNN’s website, due to its glaring falsities).

This footage, taken in the African nation purported to be Ground Zero of this (alleged?) pandemic, suggests that the entire ebola narrative could be a 100% hoax, where crisis actors are shown doing highly unconvincing jobs of mimicking illness – with the alleged father of one dubious “victim” is shown putting a fat wad of cash, as payment for his performance in his back pocket, as he leaves the scene.

Jeff C. of freeradiorevolution states bluntly that the Senior staffs at CNN and the NY

Times should be charged with fraud, its members put behind bars and that nobody should ever trust another word issued from these bogus institutions ever again.

watch the video:

via Criminal Mainstream Media Ebola Hoax: 100% Revealed! CNN Caught Paying Crisis Actors – Meanwhile, Connecticut Declares State of Emergency.

Neocon-NWO-WW3 MH17 Fully Exposed! You Won’t Believe the Shocking Truth About the Ukraine False Flag

Posted on september 27th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, False flag operations, New World Order | No Comments »

Why Has MH17 Completely Disappeared from

the News Cycle?


Alexandra Bruce

September 26, 2014

When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down on July 17, 2014, we were immediately inundated with base propaganda trying to convince us that the shoot-down could be traced back to the Kremlin.

But what was this rush to judgement based on?

What have we learned about the crash since then?

Why has MH17 completely disappeared from the news cycle?

And who really stood to benefit from the disaster? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

via Neocon-NWO-WW3 MH17 Fully Exposed! You Won’t Believe the Shocking Truth About the Ukraine False Flag.