Codex Alimentarious and Agenda 21
Alexandra Bruce
August 25, 2014
Dr. Russell Blaylock illustrates and discusses how the human population is being manipulated into violence and eventually destruction through the use of nutrition or the lack thereof.
He says the nutritional manipulation and biological manipulation from national or international Pharma/Food/BioTech companies are degrading and impairing the human cognitive function and intellect. This is deliberate and strategic (as in Agenda 21 or Codex Alimentarious), for the Illuminati to keep the human populace suppressed, confused and oppressed.
There is a revolving door at the FDA, where former executives of oisin-producing companies have become the wolves minding the checkenhouse, all while increasing the prison industrial complex; adding new laws and outlawing naturopathic remedies, in a constant war on the people.
Over-vaccinations and mandatory vaccines are also covered by Dr. Blaylock and how people are being destroyed mentally and physically because of this. He also covers how misleading studies, like those of soy products funded by Illuminati or government-owned institutions also have destructive nutritional components (collective or individual) to further blindside the people.
Aspartame (NutraSweet) Toxicity Info Centre
Biotech Company (Senomyx) using cell lines from aborted babies in food enhancement testing:…
*Download the pdf and read for yourself:
“Some of the earliest opponents of fluoridation were biochemists and at least 14 Nobel Prize winners are among numerous scientists who have expressed their reservations about the practice of fluoridation.”
Video (49 min):
via Chemtrails Dr Russell Blaylock: Nutrition and the Illuminati Agenda.