Archive for the ‘Health-Gezondheid’ Category

FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out! | Pakalert Press

Posted on oktober 15th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Health-Gezondheid, NSA, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out!


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The “FEMA Camps” conspiracy theory is getting a new breath of life with ‘Ebola in America’ and calls for Ebola camps to be set up in every state and every big city now going out. Margaret Pfeiffer brings us up to date on the FEMA camps across America in the 1st video below while in the 2nd video, you’ll hear the call for ‘Ebola camps’ in every big city. In the 3rd video, a Dallas nurse says that more and more healthcare workers are starting to believe that the virus is airborne. You can check out the FEMA Camps in your area here.

via FEMA Camps Everywhere! Ebola Airborne? Nurse Speaks Out! | Pakalert Press.

“If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?” « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

“If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?”

by Jon Rappoport

October 11, 2014

Some readers, who haven’t been reading all my Ebola articles (archived here), will respond by saying, “If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?”

The flaw in that question is the use of the word “it,” which suggests that whatever is making people sick and killing them is one thing.

This is the same flaw present in AIDS, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, Swine Flu. The assumption that one germ is responsible, in each “epidemic,” is false.

The illness and death occurred for many different reasons—and the medical trick involved is pretending a single virus connected all these disparate people together.

In other words: hoax.

Read on:

via “If it isn’t Ebola, then what is it?” « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Analyzing epidemics « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Analyzing epidemics

by Jon Rappoport

October 12, 2014

Let’s face it; a whole lot of people would believe three cows bumping into each other in a field was an epidemic, if they were told it was.

If tomorrow, the CDC came out with the pronouncement that the moon was a giant virus, many people would hide in their cellars.

Conversely, Brian Williams could call people dropping like flies in Times Square the result of one tainted hot dog in Des Moines, and viewers would find a way to buy it.

For years, the CDC trumpeted the yearly death toll from flu, in the US, as 36,000, and no one blinked or trembled. Not a problem. Why? Because no one in charge said: “epidemic.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that, globally, there are between 3 and 5 million cases of ordinary flu every year, and between 250,000 and 500,000 people die. Ho-hum. Pass the salt. Again, no one says “epidemic.”

But in the spring of 2009, with just 20 cases of Swine Flu on the books, WHO declared a level-6 pandemic, its highest danger category. And people started buying bottled water and canned goods.

Of course, to make that pronouncement, WHO had to change its definition of pandemic. Widespread death and severe debilitation were no longer required.

via Analyzing epidemics « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.


Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »



De crisis acteurs zijn weer niet aan te slepen!

Met alle geweld wordt geprobeerd ons een pandemie van ongekende proporties aan te praten.

Met vereende krachten werken overheden samen met Big Pharma en de 100%  gecontroleerde massamedia.

De berichtgeving neemt onrealistische vormen aan.  Zelfs zodanig, dat de door de USA gepatenteerde AIDS mutatie onder de naam Ebola® zich op a-symmetrische wijze verspreidt:

Via de besmette artsen uit West-Afrika;

Via vliegmaatschappijen;

Via de injectienaalden van de preventieve vaccinatie-campagnes;

Via de massa-media.

Vooral dit laatste werkt op dit moment het meest efficiënt.

De berichtgeving in de media is angstaanjagend onvolledig en buitengewoon suggestief, gebaseerd op aannemelijk gemaakte, maar niet bewezen theorieën.


New CDC whistleblower video: more autism fraud « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 10th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

New CDC whistleblower video: more autism fraud

by Jon Rappoport

October 9, 2014

Narrated by Andrew Wakefield, this new video is titled: “Isolated” autism—Your Child?

It can be found by searching for “Autism Media Channel on Vimeo.”

In the video, Wakefield explains that in 2001, CDC whistleblower William Thompson and colleagues found a second connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

The first connection, now widely known, was among African-American male babies.

This second connection was discovered in young children, regardless of race, who had a) received the MMR vaccine on schedule, as recommended by the CDC, and b) had no other factors sometimes observed to accompany autism, such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and birth defects.

This subset of children was labeled “isolated autism.” They showed an increased risk for autism after receiving the MMR vaccine.


via New CDC whistleblower video: more autism fraud « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

CDC whistleblower: what happens next? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 10th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

CDC whistleblower: what happens next?

by Jon Rappoport

October 9, 2014

Is William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, a man caught in the middle…or are his supporters caught in the middle waiting for a decisive moment that will never come?

Thompson, on August 27th, published a confession through his Cincinnati lawyer, Rick Morgan. Thompson admitted that he and his co-authors committed fraud, in a 2004 study that looked into a possible connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

According to Thompson, he and his co-authors omitted vital data and broke the accepted study protocol, thereby giving the vaccine a free pass and falsely claiming it had no connection to autism—when it did.

This explosive revelation should have shaken the world. It should have been a page-one story. It should have caused a huge detonation in the medical-research community. It should have prompted a deep investigation into CDC practices and vaccine-industry fraud. It should have caused the journal that published the study, Pediatrics, to retract it and undertake a wide-ranging probe.

By design and by repression, none of these things happened.

via CDC whistleblower: what happens next? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Dept. of Defense Ebola manual: smoking guns « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 10th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Dept. of Defense Ebola manual: smoking guns

by Jon Rappoport

October 9, 2014

As I’ve been pointing out, the standard test for diagnosing Ebola is the PCR, which has many flaws that render it misleading and useless.

Therefore, “diagnosed with Ebola,” through the PCR test, means nothing. “Ebola” could be flu, could be “drinking contaminated water,” could be any number of non-Ebola conditions.

Analogy: you’re flying a plane at night over a land mass your instruments tell you is Greenland—but the instruments often indicate Greenland when they should be reporting Iceland, Alaska, Nova Scotia, Quebec or even Fiji.

So when the authorities report there are 6000 cases of Ebola and 3000 deaths, or when they report that two patients in the US have Ebola, they’re relying on a diagnostic test that can’t confirm any of these assertions is true.

This is verified in spades by a Dept. of Defense manual.

The title is: “Ebola Zaire (EZ1) rRT-PCR (TaqMan®) Assay on ABI 7500 Fast Dx, LightCycler, & JBAIDS: INSTRUCTION BOOKLET” published by “Joint Project Manager Medical Countermeasures Systems.” It is dated 14 August 2014.

via Dept. of Defense Ebola manual: smoking guns « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

The Ebola fear: “transmission of the virus” « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 4th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

The Ebola fear: “transmission of the virus”

By Jon Rappoport

October 4, 2014

Transmission of the virus…this is what everybody is worried about now.

Transmission, transmission, transmission, through this route and that route.

I have news. Transmission does not automatically equal getting sick.

If it did, the entire human race would have been wiped out centuries ago.

People transfer germs to each other all the time. They house untold numbers of germs, and they transfer them.

I know there are many people out there who are afraid of germs. They use chemical wipes and they do all sorts of things to stay free of germs…as if that were possible.

The mere transferring of a virus from person A to person B says absolutely nothing about whether person B will get sick. Nothing.

What makes a person sick to the point where illness threatens his life? His immune system, which would ordinarily throw off germs, has been rendered too weak, by non-germ factors, to do its job.

Then you will find millions and millions of a particular active germ in his body. Then he can get sick and even die. The germs are the end result, not the cause.

Nothing about any of this is mentioned in public-health warnings.

The public is led to believe that passing a germ from person A to person B is a potentially fatal act, all by itself.

This is false.

Read on..

via The Ebola fear: “transmission of the virus” « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Healthy foods The Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Posted on oktober 1st, 2014 in Food-Voeding, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Few plants are as highly associated with health as wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, chlorophyll, and vitamins A, C and E.

Wheatgrass fans say that its rich nutrient content boosts immunity, kills harmful bacteria in your digestive system, and rids your body of waste. Some proponents tout wheatgrass for cancer, anemia, diabetes, constipation, infections, skin conditions, colon cleansing, ulcerative colitis and joint pain, among other health concerns.

The benefits of wheatgrass come from the raw plant. Since the plant itself is indigestible, juicing is the most common way of taking wheat grass.

There are few scientific studies documenting the benefits of wheatgrass, but proponents are steadfast in their support of the green juice.

via Healthy foods The Health Benefits of Wheatgrass.

Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on september 26th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid | No Comments »

Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations?

by Jon Rappoport

September 26, 2014

In this article, I’m not going to try to recapitulate everything I’ve written about Ebola so far.

I’ll outline two possible scenarios for the near future in Western nations. Scenario 1 and Modified Scenario 1. Both would be planned ops.

#1: Announcement: a vaccine is available. Authorities will declare who should take it. In an extreme situation, people in certain sectors will be commanded to take it. And if they don’t, they will be quarantined, regardless of their health status.

Read on…

via Ebola: what op is being planned for Western nations? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.