Archive for the ‘Middle East-Midden Oosten’ Category

‘White Helmets’: New Breed of Mercenaries and Propagandists, Disguised as ‘Humanitarians’ in Syria

Posted on oktober 6th, 2016 in Mainstream-Media, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria | No Comments »

Vanessa Beeley | New class of operatives who fabricate ‘evidence’ and use artistic license with images designed to pull on heart strings.

Bron: ‘White Helmets’: New Breed of Mercenaries and Propagandists, Disguised as ‘Humanitarians’ in Syria

Hillary Emails: NATO Destroyed Libya To Prevent Gold-Backed Dinar – Anonymous

Posted on april 12th, 2016 in American Politics, Lybia, Middle East-Midden Oosten | No Comments »

The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.

”Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency.And here is the section of the email proving that NATO had ulterior motives for destroying Libya (UPDATE: The link has since been killed, but here is the web cache):

Bron: Hillary Emails: NATO Destroyed Libya To Prevent Gold-Backed Dinar – Anonymous

Russia Is Breaking America’s Oil Price Monopoly

Posted on januari 12th, 2016 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Russia has just taken significant steps that will break the present Wall Street oil price monopoly, at least for a huge part of the world oil market. The move is part of a longer-term strategy of decoupling Russia’s economy and especially its very significant export of oil, from the US dollar, today the Achilles Heel of the Russian economy.

Bron: Russia Is Breaking America’s Oil Price Monopoly

Putin Invites UK to Analyze Black Box of Downed Jet – Says it Will Expose Turkey for Attacking Them | The Free Thought Project

Posted on december 10th, 2015 in Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Russian President Vladimir Putin invited British experts to examine the black box from the Su-24 bomber downed by Turkey last month, the Kremlin’s official website reported Wednesday.

The Russian President made the offer during a phone conversation with British Prime Minister David Cameron when he called to offer Putin his condolences after the incident, which resulted in the death of the plane’s pilot.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu showed the black box to Putin at a meeting on Tuesday. The president requested that it remain closed until foreign experts arrive to participate in an investigation into the downing.

via Putin Invites UK to Analyze Black Box of Downed Jet – Says it Will Expose Turkey for Attacking Them | The Free Thought Project.

De macht van de elite is gebroken! Deel 5

Posted on december 8th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror, Turkey, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Als wij onze kranten open slaan dan zou je kunnen gaan denken dat alleen ongecoördineerde aanvallen van de illegale coalitie nut hebben in Syrië. Voor mensen die de strijd om Syrië al een tijdje volgen is het gesneden koek dat luchtaanvallen alleen nut hebben als je ze opvolgt of begeleidt met grondtroepen. Nu, de enige partij die grondtroepen aanwezig heeft is het Syrische leger. Niet geheel ontoevallig coördineert het Syrische leger die aanvallen met de Russen. Dit samen met de inlichtingen vanuit Rusland, Syrië en Iran maakt waarom de Islamitische Staat nu wel problemen heeft en zich zelf uit Syrië aan het terugtrekken is om in een andere door NATO kapot geschoten land een nieuw bolwerk op te zetten. Dat land heet Libië en de stad Sirte. Het is daarom niet onbelangrijk om te vermelden dat dit mede mogelijk gemaakt is door ons geweldige verdedigingssysteem met de naam NATO.

via De macht van de elite is gebroken! Deel 5.

Why Is the West Falling Over Itself to Bomb Syria?

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror, Wladimir Putin, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Everything was going swimmingly until Putin stepped in.

While many in the West who have grown jaundiced at the obvious usurpation of our governments by outside interests ascribe almost saint-like motivations to Putin, I do not. He is a superb strategist. Exactly what he is strategizing for is not clear yet.

What is clear is that his move into Syria threw a spanner in the works of a status quo the US was quite happy with: growing terrorism and mayhem in Syria and spreading nicely to Europe.

Assad himself said a few days ago to the BBC (courtesy of Czech Television) that ISIS was growing smaller after Russian bombing intervention whereas moves by other countries served only to strengthen ISIS and increase their recruitment.

He added: “The facts are telling.”

So what do the facts tell?

They tell us that Russia is the only country involved to date which has the removal of ISIS as an actual goal.

Russia is also the only country with a legitimate mandate under international law.

In addition, ISIS was most eloquently outed by author and journalist Gearóid Ó Colmáin on Russia Today as a US creation.

In this scenario, the reason for further western efforts in the region is looking increasingly like an attempt to prevent Russia from routing its assets or achieving the informational coup that would follow.

Why Is the West Falling Over Itself to Bomb Syria?.

What is Erdogan’s Game in Syria and Iraq?

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Iraq, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, Syria War, Turkey, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

So what we have now in effect is Turkey “violating” the borders of Iraq (remember those famous “17 seconds”?) Baghdad is actually part of the “4+1” coalition (Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah). Turkey knows it. The “incursion” is yet one more — serious — provocation. If Russia — and Iran — decide that’s one too many, Erdogan’s oil racket protecting tanks better get ready to meet their maker.

via What is Erdogan’s Game in Syria and Iraq?.

Russia Expert Stephen Cohen Nails Terrorism, Syria, Ukraine and Russia

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, The War on Terror, Ukraïne, Wladimir Putin, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE:  We in the United States cannot lead the world alone any longer, if we ever could.  Long before Paris, globalization and other developments have occurred that ended the mono-polar, US-dominated world.  That world is over.  A multi-polar world has emerged before our eyes, not just in Russia but in five or six capitals around the world.  Washington’s stubborn refusal to embrace this new reality has become part of the problem and not part of the solution.  This is where we are today …. even after Paris.

via Russia Expert Stephen Cohen Nails Terrorism, Syria, Ukraine and Russia.

It Was Europe, Not Russia, That Was Hit by the Turkish F-16

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Europe-Europa, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror | No Comments »


It Was Europe, Not Russia, That Was Hit by the Turkish F-16.

Complotpraktijken | Conspiracy Video Archive

Posted on september 1st, 2014 in 2012, 9/11, Agenda 21, American Politics, Ancient History, Articles, Banks and Banksters, Big Pharma/Medicine, Books, Chemtrails, CIA-Intelligence, David Icke, Documentaries, Ebola, Education to slavery, Energy, Environment-Milieu, Eugenetics, Europe-Europa, Extra terrestrial-Buitenaards, Food-Voeding, Food-Voedsel, Geen categorie, Genocide, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, Greece-Griekenland, H.A.A.R.P, Health-Gezondheid, History-Geschiedenis, Informatieve websites, Internet, Iran, Israël-Palestine conflict, Jordan Maxwell video's, Mainstream-Media, Marijuana/ Hemp, Maya's, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Mindcontrol, Money-Geld, Music everywhere!!, Music Industry, My other websites, Nature and Wildlife, New weapons to be used against you, New World Order, NSA, Oranje, Pedo-files, Politiek in Nederland, Religious institutions, Science-Wetenschap, Social Media, State Terrorism, Survival, Ukraïne,, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »


* Dat zoveel mogelijk mensen zo snel mogelijk mentaal onafhankelijk  worden van de kudde, die door toedoen van het (wereld) regerings-bedrijfs – media    complex  en gevestigde religies, elke minuut van de dag en nacht misleid, beroofd, vermoord en uitgebuit wordt.

* Dat zoveel mogelijk mensen ideeën opdoen en aangereikt krijgen om er voor te zorgen dat zij niet het slachtoffer worden van de eindeloze reeks manipulaties, bedriegerijen en leugens van dit moorddadige en door en door corrupte (wereld) regerings-bedrijfs-media complex en religies.

* Dat u en de mensen in uw omgeving de beschikking krijgen over de mogelijkheden om uzelf te informeren over de aard van de werkelijke machten en krachten die in stelling gebracht zijn tegen de mensheid en om u de “wapens” aan te reiken  zoals kennis, eerlijke informatie en bewustzijnsvergrotend materiaal, om uzelf, uw kinderen en de mensen die u verder lief zijn te beschermen tegen de bewust gecreëerde waanzin van alledag.

Hoe meer we weten wat er werkelijk gaande is in de financiële wereld, regeringskringen en daaronder vallende instanties, in de gezondheidszorg, de voedselindustrie, de farmaceutische industrie, multi-nationals, Vaticaan  enz. enz.,  hoe makkelijker het voor ons wordt om  besluiten te nemen en acties te ondernemen die aan ons allen tengoede komen in plaats van slechts een paar corrupte regerings-bedrijfs- en media acteurs die (bewust of onbewust) al decennia lang bezig zijn om een Nieuwe Wereld Orde te vestigen met ons als slaven en deze elite als  onbetwiste meesters. Ik spreek dan ook de intense hoop uit, dat dit video- en artikelen archief een bijdrage mag leveren aan de verdieping van ons aller inzicht in het reilen en zeilen van deze prachtige aarde waar we NU met zijn allen de verantwoordelijkheid voor moeten nemen.

Jan Snelders

via Complotpraktijken | Conspiracy Video Archive.