Archive for the ‘New World Order’ Category

Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture –

Posted on januari 5th, 2016 in Mindcontrol, New World Order, Secret Societies, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

The public has a child-like trust in its leaders, especially Presidents. The charge that they really belong to a sadistic, criminal, traitorous syndicate is a betrayal on the scale of incest.

We respond with denial and anger. We don’t want to admit that we are dupes and our perception of reality is false. Dumbed down, we are incapable of common sense and concerted action. We refuse to contemplate what they may have in store. Better to ridicule the messenger and change the channel.

These women could have remained silent and found some much deserved peace and happiness. Instead they are taking great risks to warn humanity of the danger. Are we going to listen?

via Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture –

‘Minority Report’ Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality

Posted on december 31st, 2015 in Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Internet, New weapons to be used against you, New World Order, Science-Wetenschap, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The Internet is watching us now. If they want to. They can see what sites you visit. In the future, television will be watching us, and customizing itself to what it knows about us. The thrilling thing is, that will make us feel we’re part of the medium. The scary thing is, we’ll lose our right to privacy. An ad will appear in the air around us, talking directly to us.”—Director Steven Spielberg, Minority Report

We are a scant 40 years away from the futuristic world that science fiction author Philip K. Dick envisioned for Minority Report in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and if you dare to step out of line, dark-clad police SWAT teams will crack a few skulls to bring the populace under control.

via ‘Minority Report’ Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality.

UN Announces Global Police Force – Welcome To 1984 | Your News Wire

Posted on december 17th, 2015 in Agenda 21, American Politics, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

The United Nations and the United States have said that they are going to collaborate to form a global police force, bypassing Congress and any Constitutional laws, in order to tackle “violent extremism”.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced the plans at the United Nations on Wednesday, saying that her office would work with numerous American cities to form the Strong Cities Network (SCN).

via UN Announces Global Police Force – Welcome To 1984 | Your News Wire.

Hopeful Signs That The New World Order Is Dying | Two Ice Floes

Posted on december 9th, 2015 in New World Order | No Comments »

Americans everywhere and people all around the world should be seeing the glass half full, because it is half full. The new world order really is dying out, but it is dying out slowly. It’s dying out slowly because there are more of us than there are of them. It’s dying out because people have had enough. It’s dying out because people are using the power of the Internet to look things up and they are confirming the truth about who we are and our political world. They are finding out that government ONLY operates via “conspiracy”. They are realizing that conspiracy is the norm not some special category which needs special consideration. This global realization is part of the paradigm shift we are all experiencing.

via Hopeful Signs That The New World Order Is Dying | Two Ice Floes.


Posted on december 7th, 2015 in New World Order, Syria War | No Comments »



Bommen op Syrië.

ISIS, het nieuwste stokpaardje van het Westen, wordt met alle mogelijke middelen gesteund en beschermd door datzelfde Westen.

De “aanslagen” in Parijs van 13/11 waren bedoeld om de reeds onderweg zijnde Franse carrier “Charles de Gaulle” een steuntje in de rug te geven.

Hoewel de “aanslagen” al snel de vergetelheid in zijn gedrukt, zijn de naweeën nog in volle gang.

David “Pighead” Cameron grijpt ze ook maar wat graag aan om samen met andere “geallieerden” bommen op Syrië te gooien.

De bombardementscampagne lijkt meer op een morbide wedstrijd tegen de effectieve Russische campagne dan pogingen om het extremisme uit te roeien, integendeel. Wat de afgelopen anderhalf jaar als “vergissingsbombardement” werd afgedaan, wordt nu niet eens meer geprobeerd te verhullen. De actieve steun vanuit Turkije en de luchtsteun van de “geallieerden” en de NATO zijn duidelijk. Gericht bombarderen op het leger van Assad, dat is de missie. Lees verder….


Why Is the West Falling Over Itself to Bomb Syria?

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror, Wladimir Putin, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Everything was going swimmingly until Putin stepped in.

While many in the West who have grown jaundiced at the obvious usurpation of our governments by outside interests ascribe almost saint-like motivations to Putin, I do not. He is a superb strategist. Exactly what he is strategizing for is not clear yet.

What is clear is that his move into Syria threw a spanner in the works of a status quo the US was quite happy with: growing terrorism and mayhem in Syria and spreading nicely to Europe.

Assad himself said a few days ago to the BBC (courtesy of Czech Television) that ISIS was growing smaller after Russian bombing intervention whereas moves by other countries served only to strengthen ISIS and increase their recruitment.

He added: “The facts are telling.”

So what do the facts tell?

They tell us that Russia is the only country involved to date which has the removal of ISIS as an actual goal.

Russia is also the only country with a legitimate mandate under international law.

In addition, ISIS was most eloquently outed by author and journalist Gearóid Ó Colmáin on Russia Today as a US creation.

In this scenario, the reason for further western efforts in the region is looking increasingly like an attempt to prevent Russia from routing its assets or achieving the informational coup that would follow.

Why Is the West Falling Over Itself to Bomb Syria?.

What is Erdogan’s Game in Syria and Iraq?

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Iraq, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, Syria War, Turkey, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

So what we have now in effect is Turkey “violating” the borders of Iraq (remember those famous “17 seconds”?) Baghdad is actually part of the “4+1” coalition (Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah). Turkey knows it. The “incursion” is yet one more — serious — provocation. If Russia — and Iran — decide that’s one too many, Erdogan’s oil racket protecting tanks better get ready to meet their maker.

via What is Erdogan’s Game in Syria and Iraq?.

Russia Expert Stephen Cohen Nails Terrorism, Syria, Ukraine and Russia

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, The War on Terror, Ukraïne, Wladimir Putin, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE:  We in the United States cannot lead the world alone any longer, if we ever could.  Long before Paris, globalization and other developments have occurred that ended the mono-polar, US-dominated world.  That world is over.  A multi-polar world has emerged before our eyes, not just in Russia but in five or six capitals around the world.  Washington’s stubborn refusal to embrace this new reality has become part of the problem and not part of the solution.  This is where we are today …. even after Paris.

via Russia Expert Stephen Cohen Nails Terrorism, Syria, Ukraine and Russia.

Belangrijk! Openhartige ex-minister Paul Hellyer | Irma Schiffers schrijft… (Dutch/English)

Posted on maart 26th, 2015 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Extra terrestrial-Buitenaards, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Belangrijk! Openhartige ex-minister Paul Hellyer



Paul Hellyer is een Canadese ingenieur, politicus, schrijver en commentator, die een lange en gevarieerde carrière heeft gehad. Als vliegtuigbouwkundig ingenieur was hij later actief in de politiek, o.a. als minister voor Defensie in Canada.

Deze man (wederom een klokkenluider) heeft een dermate dringende, indringende en belangrijke boodschap dat ik deze video weer wilde vertalen en ondertitelen. Het duurt zo’n 34 minuten en is zéér de moeite waard.  Wat mij betreft geldt dit: als je dit niet gelooft ga je nooit meer iets geloven! Breng alles wat deze man brengt in verband met al mijn laatste artikelen over GMO’s, Big Pharma, chemtrails, HAARP, the Georgia Guidestones (agenda 21)  etc.  en je hebt het hele plaatje. De tijd dringt nu echt om wakker te worden en daarom heeft Paul Hellyer onlangs deze openhartige video gemaakt en een boek geschreven ‘The Money mafia’. Heel dapper van hem! Genoeg reden voor mij om deze te gaan vertalen en ondertitelen zoals ik al eerder schreef. Zie hier dan nu de video in het Nederlands.

Deel dit alsjeblieft zoveel mogelijk, want de geschiedenis moet herschreven worden om het heden te begrijpen en de toekomst te veranderen!

via Belangrijk! Openhartige ex-minister Paul Hellyer | Irma Schiffers schrijft… (Dutch/English).

Brainwashing Techniques Designed to Promote Acceptance of the Coming Genocide.

Posted on oktober 27th, 2014 in American Politics, Education to slavery, Genocide, Genocide-Volkerenmoord, Mainstream-Media, Mindcontrol, New World Order, State Terrorism | No Comments »

Brainwashing Techniques Designed to Promote Acceptance of the Coming Genocide

Dave Hodges | thecommonsenseshow

Americans have been conditioned to lose the war for freedom through a set of psychological techniques designed to brainwash an entire nation and promote the belief that there could never be any such thing as a conspiracy theory. This all starts with controlling the mechanisms that dispense the “truth” about today’s world.

via Brainwashing Techniques Designed to Promote Acceptance of the Coming Genocide | Pakalert Press.