Archive for the ‘New World Order’ Category

Covert Harassment Conference 2014

Posted on oktober 23rd, 2014 in CIA-Intelligence, Education to slavery, Electronische wapens en groepstalking, Geen categorie, Mindcontrol, New weapons to be used against you, New World Order, NSA, State Terrorism | No Comments »

Dit gebeurt ook al lang in Nederland.


We are very proud to announce our first conference on covert harassment. The conference is the first of an annual human rights conference with the aim to create awareness on the covert harassment of civilians. Not only whistle blowers, activists and political opponents are targeted, but also thousands of innocent civilians are subjected to non-consensual testing and mind control experimentation by a myriad of non-lethal weapons and covert community harassment by government and non-government agencies. The conference addresses these issues on individual and global scale, and is also about trying to find solutions for all those targeted, which soon will be all children of our world.

Geachte mevrouw / mijnheer,

De European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) en Stichting STOPEG (STOP Electronische wapens and Groepstalking) nodigen u hierbij uit om de wereld’s eerste conferentie over Geheime Belaging (Covert Harassment) bij te wonen.

Naast een breed scala van onderwerpen met betrekking tot Geheime Belaging, zal de conferentie zich richten op de volgende thema’s:

  • Globale mind control en kunstmatige intelligentie
  • Georganiseerde stalking en electronische belaging
  • Het gebruik van scalaire golven bij mind control
  • Een mens is een geest, niet een lichaam
  • Verbreken geheimhouding mind control technologie
  • De wet gebruiken om geheime robotisering en martelen te voorkomen

Hoofdsprekers zijn:

  • Magnus Olsson, Economie, Cesar Ritz, Zwitserland. American University, Parijs en Harvard, Boston, Verenigde Staten
  • Peter Mooring, Electronica en Computer Architectuur, Technische Universiteit Delft, Nederland
  • William Binney, NSA klokkenluider. Ex-werknemer van NSA, consultant voor CIA, NRO.
  • Dr. Henning Witte, Rechten in Munchen, Uppsala (Zweden) en Bon. Meester in de rechten, Frankfurt Universiteit, Duitsland
  • Dr. Rauni Kilde, Bachelor medicijnen, Universiteit Turku. Bevoegd arts, Universiteit Turku, Finland
  • Mojmír Babáček, Filosofie en Economie, Charles University, Praag. Auteur, Czech Republic
  • Alfred Lambremont Webre, MA, JD, Yale University, Yale Law School internationaal recht. NGO afgevaardige Verenigde Naties

Datum: Donderdag 20 november 2014

Plaats: Bedford Hotel, Brussel

Voor meer informatie en aanmelding gaat u naar:

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via Covert Harassment Conference 2014.

WHO-Haushaltsplan: Pharmaindustrie finanziert Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Wer zahlt befiehlt! – YouTube

Posted on oktober 23rd, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, New World Order, Uncategorized, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »


Wer zahlt befiehlt!

via WHO-Haushaltsplan: Pharmaindustrie finanziert Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Wer zahlt befiehlt! – YouTube.

Police State Inside The Dark Web – Full Film

Posted on oktober 19th, 2014 in Internet, New World Order | No Comments »

Brave New World…!


Alexandra Bruce

October 17, 2014

Twenty-five years after the World Wide Web was created, the issue of surveillance has become the greatest controversy of its existence.

With many concerned that governments and corporations can monitor people’s every move, this program meets hackers and scientists who are using technology to fight back – as well as the law enforcement officers who believe it’s leading to opportunities for risk-free crimes.

Includes interviews with World Wide Web inventor, Tim Berners-Lee and WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

via Police State Inside The Dark Web – Full Film.

Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 17th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation

By Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2014

“The Reality Manufacturing Company paints a mural of reality for the masses; the Company paints a bigger and bigger mural, entangling more people in more systems…” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

Behind every phony pandemic, there are a number of agendas in play.

In this case, the Globalist heavy hitters, who are dedicated to managing the planet, view things this way:

***Use a crisis to build a larger structure than previously existed.

As in: one global healthcare system. All-encompassing.

The propaganda? “We can’t defeat Ebola unless all nations form one system that allows prevention and quarantine and immediate treatment anywhere on Earth.”

In that sense, Ebola is the occasion for adding wings to the system.

Ditto for every so-called epidemic.

“Well, we faced down and ultimately defeated virus X. But at great cost of life. Now we have to build better bridges between the healthcare systems of nations—and finally, we need one great Dispensary that adjudicates where drugs and vaccines go, who is quarantined, which borders are sealed off, at any point on the globe.”

We’re talking about a very high-level op here.

Read on

via Ebola hoax: hidden purpose of the operation « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

You won’t believe the CDC told this lie « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on oktober 16th, 2014 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Ebola, Health-Gezondheid, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

You won’t believe the CDC told this lie

By Jon Rappoport

October 16, 2014

Quick background to set the stage:

In October of 2009, Sharyl Attkisson, writing for CBS News, exposed the fact that the CDC had stopped counting Swine Flu cases in the US. The real reason?

The overwhelming number of blood samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients, sent to labs, were coming back negative for the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus, or any flu virus.

This was a killer. It left the CDC completely exposed. They were claiming there were tens of thousands Swine Flu cases in America. But the lab tests were revealing how preposterous that lie was.

Okay. An hour ago, I found a page on the CDC website labeled “H1N1 Flu.” The article posted there is: “CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 [Swine Flu] Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the US.”

Here is a quote. Buckle up:

“During the pandemic, CDC provided estimates of the numbers of 2009 H1N1 cases, hospitalizations and deaths on seven different occasions. Final estimates were published in 2011. These final estimates were that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (8868-18,306) occurred in the United States due to pH1N1.”

SIXTY MILLION cases of Swine Flu in America.

One out of every five people in the US had Swine Flu.

Sixty million.

This lie takes the cake.

“Well, they caught us lying about tens of thousands of Swine Flu cases. All the tests came back negative. So what do we do?”

“Only one thing we can do. Tell a lie so huge it’ll paralyze the mind. People buy the biggest lies, right?”

via You won’t believe the CDC told this lie « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

The Power of Nightmares : Adam Curtiss – BBC 2 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Posted on oktober 16th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, CIA-Intelligence, Documentaries, New World Order, State Terrorism, The War on Terror | No Comments »

The Power of Nightmares

1. The Power Of Nightmares Adam Curtis [BBC 2] part 1 – Baby It’s Cold Outside – 10-20-2004 YouTube

59:231The Power Of Nightmares Adam Curtis [BBC 2] part 1 – Baby It’s Cold Outside – 10-20-2004 YouTube

59:002The Power of Nightmares Adam Curtis [BBC 2] part 2 – The Phantom Victory – 10-27-2004 YouTube

59:483The Power of Nightmares Adam Curtis [BBC 2] part 3 – The Shadows in the Cave – 11-3-2004 YouTube

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This is a documentary series made by the BBC, and broadcasted between October 20th, 2004 to November 3rd, 2004. It is made up of three episodes.

This movie is part of the collection: Community Video

via The Power of Nightmares : Adam Curtiss – BBC 2 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive.

Doomsday Seed Vault In The Arctic – Bill Gates, Rockefeller And The GMO Giants Know Something We Dont

Posted on oktober 15th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Food-Voeding, New World Order | No Comments »

October 15, 2014

One thing Microsoft founder Bill Gates can’t be accused of is sloth. He was already programming at 14, founded Microsoft at age 20 while still a student at Harvard. By 1995 he had been listed by Forbes as the world’s richest man from being the largest shareholder in his Microsoft, a company which his relentless drive built into a de facto monopoly in software systems for personal computers.

In 2006 when most people in such a situation might think of retiring to a quiet Pacific island, Bill Gates decided to devote his energies to his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest ‘transparent’ private foundation as it says, with a whopping $34.6 billion endowment and a legal necessity to spend $1.5 billion a year on charitable projects around the world to maintain its tax free charitable status. A gift from friend and business associate, mega-investor Warren Buffett in 2006, of some $30 billion worth of shares in Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway put the Gates’ foundation into the league where it spends almost the amount of the entire annual budget of the United Nations’ World Health Organization.

via Doomsday Seed Vault In The Arctic – Bill Gates, Rockefeller And The GMO Giants Know Something We Dont.

Police State Rise of the Police State: The Transformation of Our Public Police Forces

Posted on oktober 12th, 2014 in Agenda 21, Education to slavery, Mindcontrol, New World Order, NSA, State Terrorism | No Comments »

I’ve Lived in Towns Small Enough Where They

Proudly Publish the Names of Which

Traffic Cops Passed the Test, Each Week


Alexandra Bruce

October 12, 2014

The Federal deputization of local law enforcement and first responders isn’t a new phenomenon in the US but that it is being ramped-up to an unforeseen scale is.

Maybe the defense contractors are mad that the Iraq War is over and they want to keep selling their materiel. In many cases, small towns are being given tanks, left over from the wars for free.

The agency tasked with organizing this effort is the multiply-orphanized National Intelligence Agency, which has been in existence since 1947. Under the Intelligence Reorganization Act of 1992, the NIA lost most of its autonomy to the CIA. Before this time, it operated independently and was more closely associated with the National Security Agency.

However, during the mayhem wreaked upon the American security establishment during the Bush II era, the NIA became an agency in earnest, to train, militarize and to oversee the official accreditation local first responders, whereby now entire police departments in towns small and big across this land, including firefighters, park rangers, medics and nurses are now Federally Deputized.

People you wouldn’t necessarily expect are being Federally Deputized, to participate in intelligence gathering, security patrol (armed or un-armed, depending on their training and legal status); or as medical personnel to assist and aid the US Military, American Red Cross, US Secret Service, Federal, State and Local SWAT, ESU, SMU, SRT or other Specialized Enforcement or Counter-terrorism Unit as Hostage Negotiators, Profilers or other Emergency Psychiatric or Psychological Roles, as needed in emergencies big and small.

I’ve lived in towns small enough where they proudly publish which traffic cops passed the test, each week.

Watch the video:

via Police State Rise of the Police State: The Transformation of Our Public Police Forces.

Geopolitics Leuren Moret: North American Union, Homeland Insecurity, False Flags and Fukushima Update

Posted on oktober 5th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Education to slavery, Mindcontrol, New World Order, State Terrorism, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The Citizens of the US Are Going to Picked Clean

Until there is Not a Piece of Meat on the

Turkey Carcass”


Alexandra Bruce

October 4, 2014

Leuren Moret begins her interview by discussing Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who arrived in Berkeley, California, on September 30, 2014, as the new President of the University of California.

Few people supported her appointment and more wondered how she was chosen to be head of the University of California system, including Los Alamos and Livermore Nuclear Weapons Labs. When it was finally revealed that, like Jesuits California Governor Jerry Brown, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta, and US Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas, Ms. Napolitano was also Jesuit trained. In fact, Brown, Panetta, and Napolitano are all graduates of Santa Clara University, a Jesuit shop school for the Big Boys.

Understanding the Jesuit tie is important, because it explains her magical job history, and the Vietnam Phoenix Program “events” that are synchronous with Napolitano’s arrival, and introduced with the 2014 New Year. The Phoenix Program in Vietnam was set up by the US Military to defeat and destroy the civilian support of the Viet Cong resistance: torture chambers, assassination teams, underground prisons, detention camps, Project Popeye weather modification, and other forms of suppression to establish social and political control of a resistant captive population. It is the model for DHS.

Since the New Year, the San Francisco Bay Area has been exposed to a vast U.S. government overthrow template: DHS inventories of food suppliers, widespread gangstalking with EMF cop toys, HAARP weather modification, eugenics through weaponized intense chemtrails interacting synergistically with Fukushima radiation and new chemicals in Municipal water supplies, biologically very toxic ozone pumped into poor black neighborhoods from the Oracle Sports Stadium in the East Bay, and heavy surveillance by police and the new DHS-tactical forces.

More Information:

Watch the video (79 min):

via Geopolitics Leuren Moret: North American Union, Homeland Insecurity, False Flags and Fukushima Update.

Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2

Posted on oktober 4th, 2014 in Agenda 21, American Politics, Banks and Banksters, Education to slavery, Europe-Europa, Mainstream-Media, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

“The People become Zombie-Like

Through Believing the Media”


Alexandra Bruce

October 3, 2014


WARNING: Contains graphic scenes of human carnage occurring now in Ukraine.


This clip is a continuation of Part 1, seen here:

Pastor Ivo Sasek continues his warning of the inevitability of War War III, unless the people wake up and refuse to be mind controlled by the mass media, citing the following pattern in all past wars:

“The US-warmongers, who are financially steered by foreigners, are striving for complete world domination.”

“Why we know World War Three is just around the corner:

1. Because the externally, financially-controlled US Government wants it.

2. Because the United States are bankrupt, they’re economically-depressed and they are the most indebted country on Earth.

3. Because the new BRICS banking system seals the final downfall of Wall Street and Pentagon Capitalism.

4. Because the US Government has always re-structured its national bankruptcy through external wars.

5. Because the bond-slaves of Wall Street, sitting in the White House desire undivided world dominion.

6. Because the mainstream Media, who are allies of the US intrigues, spread their war lies, worldwide, and thus systematically instigate a readiness for war in all peoples.

7. Because this results in making the people zombie-like, through believing the media.”

(Turn off the TV!!!)

via Criminal Mainstream Media Clarity In the Court of Hell – Part 2.