Archive for the ‘Syria War’ Category

Ankara Bombing: A False Flag to Justify Erdogan’s Invasion of Syria?

Posted on februari 18th, 2016 in False flag operations, Syria War, Turkey | No Comments »

In March 2014 tape recordings of a meeting between the Turkish then Foreign Minister Davutoglu, the chief of the Turkish intelligence MIT Hakan Fidan and others leaked to the public. They talked about a false flag attack on Turkey to be used as a justification form a Turkish attack on Syria. The new was mostly ignored by the “western” main stream media.

Bron: Ankara Bombing: A False Flag to Justify Erdogan’s Invasion of Syria?

Since when is limiting immigration a crime? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Posted on januari 29th, 2016 in Agenda 21, Big Pharma/Medicine, Europe refugees, Europe-Europa, Syria, Syria War | No Comments »

As I’ve explained in previous articles, the whole “wave of migration” is an op. It’s not meant to be humane. It’s meant to destabilize societies and countries, bring on chaos, destroy traditional cultures and borders, and permit Globalization to advance.

Bron: Since when is limiting immigration a crime? « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Did Members of the US-Led Coalition Carry Out an Air Strike to Help ISIS? Russia Implies They Did

Posted on december 9th, 2015 in American Politics, Syria War | No Comments »


The US has categorically denied that any of its aircraft were involved. It has admitted that its aircraft were in the area, but says that they carried out an air strike 55 km away.

The Russians say that is true. However, they also say that it is not the whole truth.

The Russians say that in addition to the US aircraft, two pairs of aircraft – in other words four aircraft in total – from two other countries that are also members of the US led coalition were also flying at the time of the air strike over Deir az-Zor.

The Russians have not actually said it was these aircraft that carried out the air strike. However, they have pointed out that the US has failed to admit to the presence of these aircraft. They are asking why?

via Did Members of the US-Led Coalition Carry Out an Air Strike to Help ISIS? Russia Implies They Did.

De macht van de elite is gebroken! Deel 5

Posted on december 8th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror, Turkey, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Als wij onze kranten open slaan dan zou je kunnen gaan denken dat alleen ongecoördineerde aanvallen van de illegale coalitie nut hebben in Syrië. Voor mensen die de strijd om Syrië al een tijdje volgen is het gesneden koek dat luchtaanvallen alleen nut hebben als je ze opvolgt of begeleidt met grondtroepen. Nu, de enige partij die grondtroepen aanwezig heeft is het Syrische leger. Niet geheel ontoevallig coördineert het Syrische leger die aanvallen met de Russen. Dit samen met de inlichtingen vanuit Rusland, Syrië en Iran maakt waarom de Islamitische Staat nu wel problemen heeft en zich zelf uit Syrië aan het terugtrekken is om in een andere door NATO kapot geschoten land een nieuw bolwerk op te zetten. Dat land heet Libië en de stad Sirte. Het is daarom niet onbelangrijk om te vermelden dat dit mede mogelijk gemaakt is door ons geweldige verdedigingssysteem met de naam NATO.

via De macht van de elite is gebroken! Deel 5.


Posted on december 7th, 2015 in New World Order, Syria War | No Comments »



Bommen op Syrië.

ISIS, het nieuwste stokpaardje van het Westen, wordt met alle mogelijke middelen gesteund en beschermd door datzelfde Westen.

De “aanslagen” in Parijs van 13/11 waren bedoeld om de reeds onderweg zijnde Franse carrier “Charles de Gaulle” een steuntje in de rug te geven.

Hoewel de “aanslagen” al snel de vergetelheid in zijn gedrukt, zijn de naweeën nog in volle gang.

David “Pighead” Cameron grijpt ze ook maar wat graag aan om samen met andere “geallieerden” bommen op Syrië te gooien.

De bombardementscampagne lijkt meer op een morbide wedstrijd tegen de effectieve Russische campagne dan pogingen om het extremisme uit te roeien, integendeel. Wat de afgelopen anderhalf jaar als “vergissingsbombardement” werd afgedaan, wordt nu niet eens meer geprobeerd te verhullen. De actieve steun vanuit Turkije en de luchtsteun van de “geallieerden” en de NATO zijn duidelijk. Gericht bombarderen op het leger van Assad, dat is de missie. Lees verder….


Why Is the West Falling Over Itself to Bomb Syria?

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror, Wladimir Putin, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Everything was going swimmingly until Putin stepped in.

While many in the West who have grown jaundiced at the obvious usurpation of our governments by outside interests ascribe almost saint-like motivations to Putin, I do not. He is a superb strategist. Exactly what he is strategizing for is not clear yet.

What is clear is that his move into Syria threw a spanner in the works of a status quo the US was quite happy with: growing terrorism and mayhem in Syria and spreading nicely to Europe.

Assad himself said a few days ago to the BBC (courtesy of Czech Television) that ISIS was growing smaller after Russian bombing intervention whereas moves by other countries served only to strengthen ISIS and increase their recruitment.

He added: “The facts are telling.”

So what do the facts tell?

They tell us that Russia is the only country involved to date which has the removal of ISIS as an actual goal.

Russia is also the only country with a legitimate mandate under international law.

In addition, ISIS was most eloquently outed by author and journalist Gearóid Ó Colmáin on Russia Today as a US creation.

In this scenario, the reason for further western efforts in the region is looking increasingly like an attempt to prevent Russia from routing its assets or achieving the informational coup that would follow.

Why Is the West Falling Over Itself to Bomb Syria?.

What is Erdogan’s Game in Syria and Iraq?

Posted on december 7th, 2015 in American Politics, Iraq, Middle East-Midden Oosten, New World Order, Syria, Syria War, Turkey, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

So what we have now in effect is Turkey “violating” the borders of Iraq (remember those famous “17 seconds”?) Baghdad is actually part of the “4+1” coalition (Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah). Turkey knows it. The “incursion” is yet one more — serious — provocation. If Russia — and Iran — decide that’s one too many, Erdogan’s oil racket protecting tanks better get ready to meet their maker.

via What is Erdogan’s Game in Syria and Iraq?.

Thousands Of Russian Troops Head To Turkish Border As US Planes Flee From Syrian Skies |

Posted on november 30th, 2015 in Syria War, The War on Terror, Turkey, Wars&Conflicts, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »

Tags: Armenia, Armenian Genocide, Dmitri Medvedev, Moscow, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russia, Russian Prime Minister, Russian Troops, Syria, Turkey, Turkish Border

via Thousands Of Russian Troops Head To Turkish Border As US Planes Flee From Syrian Skies |

It Was Europe, Not Russia, That Was Hit by the Turkish F-16

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Europe-Europa, Middle East-Midden Oosten, Syria, Syria War, The War on Terror | No Comments »


It Was Europe, Not Russia, That Was Hit by the Turkish F-16.

‘US Leaders Measure Themselves Against’ Putin

Posted on november 26th, 2015 in Syria War | No Comments »

Unlike US presidents or presidential hopefuls, Putin, according to the expert, “has a grasp of the world as it is and the power relations in it and can speak of these plainly – bluntly if you like. He has a fulsome grasp of history and need not fear it – as American leaders must.”

via ‘US Leaders Measure Themselves Against’ Putin.