Archive for the ‘World News-Wereldnieuws’ Category
Normalizing Pedophilia: Pope Removes Penalties for Priests Who Molest Children – Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Posted on maart 2nd, 2017 in Pedo-files, Religious institutions, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
Mathematical Proof that Man-Made Climate Change is a Total Hoax – RiseEarth
Posted on januari 18th, 2017 in Climategate, Environment-Milieu, Science-Wetenschap, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
The notion being pushed by Left-wing control freaks in global government that our planet is warming at an alarming, unstoppable rate, is completely bogus, and it always has been. Monckton and his team have demonstrated it mathematically, and no matter how many more times alarmist hoaxer Al Gore claims all of the ice caps are going to disappear “soon,” it just isn’t true. (But the sheeple will believe almost anything. Follow more sheeple news at Monckton said he has known that the modeling error existed and that he had been trying to find it for about a decade. “But I didn’t know what the error was,” he told Weaver. “I just knew they’d made a mistake.” He also says he knew that because he is “a classical mathematician,” which is based on the findings of Menaechmus of Alopeconnesus (380-320 BC). As further reported by The New American, Monckton—a climate realist and former science advisor to the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher—showed during his conference presentation that the so-called “red flags” of climate change based largely on United Nations data were nearly all wrong. Because of this and other problems associated with the UN, he then proposed that both Britain and the U.S. leave the UN, even though Monckton has been a regular at UN “climate” summits around the world, to expose their fraud and mock their phony findings and made-up data. He even dropped into one such event held in South Africa with a parachute.
Bron: Mathematical Proof that Man-Made Climate Change is a Total Hoax – RiseEarth
URGENT: Wilcock’s YouTube Channel “Permanently Disabled” Due to Fake Copyright Strikes From One Individual
Posted on januari 1st, 2017 in Geen categorie, Mainstream-Media, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
David Wilcock’s only official YouTube channel has been “permanently disabled” after four fake copyright strikes by a single individual, going by the name “Alec Theodore Wallace.” Ever since December 21st, we have been writing multiple, detailed letters, to everyone we knew “on the inside” at YouTube, with our Internet attorney in the To: field, and got nothing. Now an anonymous individual has managed to destroy David’s entire YouTube presence. His stolen videos are still online and he is earning felony Grand Theft-level profits from them. This is punishable by up to three years in prison if he gets caught, particularly with his other crimes factored in — as we will discuss. Wild stuff. What could possibly have allowed this to happen? There is a much greater cosmic story going on here when we consider the content of the deleted videos themselves, so read on. If this could happen to David, it could happen to anyone else in this field as well. And there are signs that it already is. We need to hang together or we will hang separately. Get the intriguing facts of this case — and find out how you can help us regain David’s identity. Please don’t attack YouTube’s staff about this — we need their help. UPDATED Next Morning — and Happy New Year 2017!
‘Shoot at Us First’: Veterans Form Literal ‘Human Shield’ to Protect Standing Rock Protesters from Cops
Posted on december 4th, 2016 in Standing Rock | No Comments »
Het uur van de waarheid van de geplande massa-arrestaties nadert
Posted on november 6th, 2016 in Agenda 21, Geen categorie, Nesara-Gesara, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
Zal het dreigende faillissement van de VS leiden tot de geplande massa-arrestaties?
Inmiddels is 9/11 alweer ruim 14 jaar geleden. Voor de groeiende groep die allang niet meer gelooft in de officiële versie van deze aanslagen en beseft dat het een “inside job” was met medeweten van de Bush-regering, is het frustrerend dat de échte terroristen nog steeds vrij rondlopen. Toch zou daar in de nabije toekomst wel eens verandering in kunnen komen. Een groeiende groep binnen het Pentagon, het Amerikaanse leger en andere overheidsorganisaties zijn in de laatste fase van voorbereiding om o.a. kopstukken zoals Bush, Cheney en Rumsfeld in de boeien te slaan. Dit gedetailleerde massa-arrestatieplan is in 2012 voor het eerst naar buiten gebracht door onderzoeksjournalist David Wilcock en klokkenluider Drake Bailey en wordt aangeduid als The Plan.
Bron: Het uur van de waarheid van de geplande massa-arrestaties nadert
EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-Linked Imposters
Posted on oktober 6th, 2016 in Mainstream-Media, Syria, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
For the REAL Syria Civil Defence you call 113 inside Syria. There is no public number for the White Helmets. Why not? Why does this multi-million dollar US & NATO state-funded first repsonder ‘NGO,’ with state of the art equipment supplied by the US and the EU via Turkey, have no central number for civilians to call when the “bombs fall”?
Bron: EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-Linked Imposters
What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you | Comment | Voices | The Independent
Posted on april 28th, 2016 in American Politics, Articles, Banks and Banksters, Europe-Europa, Food-Voeding, Geen categorie, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a series of trade negotiations being carried out mostly in secret between the EU and US. As a bi-lateral trade agreement, TTIP is about reducing the regulatory barriers to trade for big business, things like food safety law, environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations.
Bron: What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you | Comment | Voices | The Independent
The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!
Posted on april 6th, 2016 in Banks and Banksters, False flag operations, Geen categorie, Money-Geld, New World Order, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
The Panama Papers are not what they appear to be. Meanwhile, the Ascension Mysteries has rocketed to #1 in all three of its Amazon categories, and is currently at #464 out of all books! If you were still “on the fence” about whether this Cabal vs. Alliance war was even real, the Panama Papers should help change your mind. UPDATED TWICE Same Night! Why? Because everybody cool is doing it!
So who is behind the shoot-down of Gunnlaugsson, the banker-jailing Prime Minister of Iceland, and the targeting of Putin?
Our volunteer army of internet journalists has already unraveled and flushed the “false flag” operation known as the Panama Toilet Papers.
Who printed this roll of papers to help wipe up their mess? You’ll never guess. This excerpt from “Off-Guardian” summarizes it nicely:
4/4: Panama Papers Paid For By The Cabal
Panama Papers: Revealing details live in the gaps between the lines
The cooperative of intelligence-backed hacks who “broke” this “story” all hail from The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).
[This is] a “special project” (their website tells us) of the not-at-all-Orwellian-sounding “Center for Public Integrity”….Let’s just take a stroll down the About page of the Center for Public Integrity, and find out where they get their money from:
-The Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Foundation – they don’t have a website, but their President does. He’s a “philanthropist and entrepeneur”. In case you’re wondering…yes, that is “Goldman” as in “Goldman Sachs”.
-The Ford Foundation – yes, as in Henry Ford. Business magnate and Nazi collaborator.
-Open Society Foundation – we’ve tangled with these fine folks before. The OSF are an NGO set up by billionaire George Soros. Because billionaires love justice and freedom.
-The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller Family Fund – how exactly these two things differ I’m not sure, however they do both exist, and they both give money to the CfPI, because the Rockefellers are all about that integrity.
-The Carnegie Corporation of New York – As in Andrew Carnegie, the billionaire. As in the Carnegie Endowment for American Hegemony…sorry, I mean International Peace. Read more…..
Bron: The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!
Bron: The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!
Vervolg AWBZ-claim (de ’70 miljard’) | Irma Schiffers schrijft… (Dutch/English)
Posted on april 1st, 2016 in Money-Geld, Politiek in Nederland, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
Naar aanleiding van ons radioprogramma van woensdag 23 maart jl. waarin we Rob Otten van ‘De Omkering’ in de uitzending hadden om uitgebreid te praten over de door ons opgebrachte 70 miljard euro die NIET is besteed aan AWBZ, zoals blijkt uit een rapport dat door Henk van Gerven (SP-kamerlid en oud-huisarts) naar buiten is gebracht, kom ik er nu op terug met het vervolg. Rob Otten vertelde dat ‘De Omkering’ bezig is om dat bedrag terug te vorderen. Al wat je daarvoor hoeft te doen is een door De Omkering op…lees verder
Bron: Vervolg AWBZ-claim (de ’70 miljard’) | Irma Schiffers schrijft… (Dutch/English)