For alert minds: the art of the covert narrative

by Jon Rappoport

September 30, 2014

“Build it and they will come. Build a false narrative and people will come in droves.” —The Underground, Jon Rappoport

When a researcher or an investigator suspects he is looking at an artificial narrative, a storyline that is floated to achieve a hidden agenda, he has to deal with one overriding question:

How deep does he want to go, in order to root out the potential lies and false material?

Into how basic a level of the narrative does he want to cut, to see what leaks out?

Case in point: the current Ebola storyline.

Many lies can be found there. I have written about them (archived here). But one statement in the Ebola narrative is almost universally accepted.

It is accepted in the case of Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, and West Nile.

Most recently, the story began this way: “In three West African countries, there has been an outbreak of Ebola.”

This is the crux: “the Ebola virus is killing people.”

The audience automatically accepts that premise.

Whatever else they may or may not accept, they buy that premise.

via For alert minds: the art of the covert narrative « Jon Rappoport’s Blog.