GlaxoSmithKline fined less than $100,000 for killing 14 babies during vaccine trials | David Icke
Posted on maart 3rd, 2016 in Big Pharma/Medicine, Health-Gezondheid, Vaccins, World News-Wereldnieuws | No Comments »
In reacting to recent news that pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline accidentally dumped 12 gallons of live, concentrated polio virus into a Belgian river, it is important to remember that the company has a long history of safety violations in its vaccine business. In 2012, for example, an Argentinean judge found the company guilty of conducting illegal vaccine trials that led to the deaths of 14 babies.Yet the company was fined only 400,000 pesos, at the time the equivalent of about $93,000. Two doctors involved in the trial were fined another 300,000 pesos each.The company was found guilty of conducting trials on human beings (which is prohibited in Argentina) and of falsifying parental authorizations allowing the company to experiment on babies.’
Bron: GlaxoSmithKline fined less than $100,000 for killing 14 babies during vaccine trials | David Icke